19/10/11FV 1 Behavior of generic HV channel
Mail’s survey: appeal for general policy VF2 19/10/11 Patrizia: “Based on the running experience of NA48, I'm strongly in favor of a general policy of the experiment in treating possible HV failures during data taking”. Massimo: “I think it would be better to have a general policy of the experiment rather than a "personal mood" of each subdetector “ Rainer: “I agree with Massimo, that we should have a common procedure for the whole detector, not different ones for individual sub-detectors”
Typical HV channel: CAEN A1832P board - settings VF3 19/10/11 ValueShort name Set output voltageVSET Set max. output currentISET Set output voltage software limitSVMAX Set voltage ramp-up speedRAMP-UP Set voltage ramp-down speedRAMP-DOWN Set TRIP parameter Enable/disable POWER ON option
Typical HV channel: CAEN A1832P board - monitoring VF4 19/10/11 ValueShort nameALARMAlarms condition Output voltageVMONFATALAbsolute range around Vset Output currentIMONWARNINGAbsolute value Channel status (ON/OFF)FATALRequested =/= Real Detailed channel status ValueShort nameALARMComments Ramping up/downRUP/RDWReflected in DU state OVERCURRENT conditionOVC OVERVOLTAGE/UNDERVOLTAGE (3%)OVV/UNVReplaced by VMON alarm OFF due to external TRIP line signalEXTTRIPNot relevant OFF due to internal OVERCURRENT condition INTTRIPFATAL Disabled by board INTERLOCK protectionEXT_DISFATAL
Typical HV channel: CAEN A1832P - board temperature VF5 19/10/11 ValueShort nameALARM Board temperature < 5°C UNDER_TEMPERROR Board temperature > 65°C OVER_TEMPERROR + Configurable automatic trip recovery