a colony of Spain had rebelled against the Spanish since 1868 Spain decided to “control” the rebels by creating guarded camps (reconcentration camps) estimated that 200,000 Cubans died in the camps
newspapers reported exaggerated and sometimes false stories about events in Cuba to sell newspapers this transformed American public opinion put pressure on federal government to pursue an interventionist policy, at least in Cuba
1.Riots in Cuba prompt President McKinley to send the U.S.S. Maine to protect American economic interests 2.American newspapers publish a letter from a Spanish Ambassador that ridicules President McKinley
3. The U.S.S Maine explodes and sinks, killing 250 American sailors – the press blames Spain
4. Another Spanish colony, the Philippines, also begin to rebel, American politicians see it as a great location to protect American trade
5. McKinley sends a list of demands to Spain – Spain agrees to all but independence for Cuba 6. McKinley then requests a declaration of war from Congress
Treaty of Paris Spain recognized Cuba’s independence U.S. paid $20 million for Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam These lands become “unincorporated” territories (not intended for statehood)
How could the United States pursue a policy of colonialism when it violated the founding principle of liberty? (I.E.: Should we pursue a policy of isolationism or imperialism?)