What is a copyright??? At its basis, a copyright is a legal right granted to a creator of an original work of authorship to control publication, production, sale, or distribution. Copyrights cover the following: Music lyrics, beats Novels, books Art work
Protect length A copyright offers the creator of his or her original work of art for the life of the author plus 70 years.
Copyrights begin upon creation of a work in tangible form (a form that can be seen or touched, such as a book, drawings, movies, CDs, or video games).
In order for a something to be “copyrightable” it must be inherently creative or “original”. Therefore, a mere collection of facts such a a telephone book would not be copyrightable, but on the other hand a clever collection of facts or a work accumulating such facts in an original way may be copyrightable.
The symbol means the product is copyrighted. Copyrighted work does not need to be registered
Things that cannot be copyrighted Titles Names Short phrases Slogans Symbols Designs Coloring Ideas Methods Procedures