Welcome! To Year 6
How we are working… Who? - Wednesday mornings – Games with Boston Utd Art with Mrs Maylor - Mrs Carder – teaching assistant
Core Subjects… Literacy - Fiction Genres - Biographies/Autobiographies - Journalistic writing - Stories with flashbacks - Poetry - Discussion and Persuasion - Explanation texts - Non-chronological reports - Writing in other subjects - Reading and responding to a range of genres and text types - New handwriting style Maths - Written methods for 4 rules of number - Problem solving - Working systematically - Ordering and rounding decimals - Fractions and percentages - Algebra - Converting between units of measure - Interpreting graphs and charts - Measuring and drawing angles - Mathematical mysteries - Using and describing 2-D and 3-D shapes
Topics… - Tudors – Why did Henry VIII marry 6 times? - Ancient Greeks - Investigating Rivers
Homework - 10 minutes of reading a night - Spellings – Set Monday/Due Monday - Literacy/Maths will alternate each week Set Thursday/Due Tuesday - Project
Trips… - Lincoln Cathedral for Church Schools’ Festival – May/June - Residential trip - Day Visits to enhance Topic Work
Parental help please… - Homework - Times tables - Trips - Reading time at home - PE Kits – Tues/Weds
Year 6 ‘Happenings’… - Christmas Concert - Church Schools’ festival - Taster Days/Induction Days - Bikeability - Residential trip - Leavers’ service
SATS - SATS tests will take place on the week beginning Monday 12 th May - Monday – Reading Test - Tuesday – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Wednesday – Mental Maths, Maths - Thursday Maths - Friday – Internal Science assessment
Facebook - Privacy Settings - Be one of your child’s Friends and monitor their discussions - Don’t have strangers as Friends - Don’t use Facebook in bedroom
Remember the school website for additional information