Water Security – Peru Case Environment Officers Conference Presented by: Emily WaytotiFebruary 2016
Securing Peru’s Water Supply in the Context of Climate Change
Design Evolution GCC Adaptation - Why water? Focus and Selectivity (limited funding) Use of Open Standards Challenges in addressing “glacier” mandate
Responding to glacier retreat distinguishes the climate change vulnerability of Peru from other regions and underpins the Agency’s allocation of climate change adaptation funds to the Mission. Responding to Glacier Melt
71% of worlds tropical glaciers are in Peru
Melting glaciers as THE issue address… or canary in the coal mine of broader climate change to Andean highland ecosystems?
Evolution in design and scoping Glaciers? Water? Cities? Rural Poor? Agriculture? Infrastructure?
Glaciers and Watershed Management Agriculture Mining Upper Watershed Rural Areas
Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities, Export Agriculture Downstream Watershed Urban Areas
Feb 2013: Torrential rain in Arequipa has left 5 dead, and thousands homeless, local newspaper Peru21 reported.
Vulnerability Analysis – Summary for Peru Climate Threats: 1.Increased variability in precipitation (shorter more intense rainy season) 2.Overall warming trend punctuated with extreme events (storms, freezes, cold snap) 3.Increased hydrological variability (floods and droughts) People, Places, Livelihoods: 1.Highlands have greatest physical proximity and exposure 2.Downstream cities most density of exposed population 3.Infrastructure and agriculture high economic value of assets and livelihoods Degree Affected: 1.Rural Poverty 2.Ecosystem fragility 3.Climate-sensitive economic sectors (agriculture, infrastructure) Ability to Respond: 1.Low adaptive capacity in rural agriculture 2.High-value results expected with modest investment benefitting the most vulnerable areas in cities Most Vulnerable: 1.Highland populations, agriculture, and ecosystems 2.Downstream Cities water security and infrastructure resilience Vulnerability = f (exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity)
Used Open Standards Methodology
Results Chain
Glacier Project Goal: Water supply safeguarded for urban populations vulnerable to climate changes to Andean hydrology.. Climate Change Water supply regulation in the upper watersheds Risks of floods and demand side efficiencies Project Purpose: Green infrastructure is scaled up in Peru as an adaptation strategy to regulate water supply
Quebrada QuerocochaLaguna de Querococha Green infrastructure
Current Degradation Exacerbated by CC
Degradad Wetlands (Bofedales)
Check dams to restore wetland
Thank you