Assessment of the Good Governance Cluster and OGP Initiatives
Q3 2015 Status of Initiatives Source: Monthly/quarterly status reports submitted to the Good Governance Cluster Secretariat at DBM
Smiley Status On-time implementation and with Good Performance (75-100% of Milestones/KPIs are achieved) Delayed implementation (for 3 months or less) and with Average Performance (50-75% of Milestones/KPIs are achieved) No Report Submission/ Very delayed implementation (for more than 3 months) and with Poor Performance (Less than 50% of Milestones/KPIs are achieved)
Q3 2015 Status of Initiatives On-time implementation and with Good Performance 3 initiatives Delayed implementation and with Average Performance 2 initiatives No report submission/ Delayed implementation and with Poor Performance Smiley status not yet applied to priority legislations
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Fiscal Transparency 98% compliance to the Transparency Seal As of end 2014, 74% of all local governments are compliant with the Full Disclosure Policy Publication of the 1st Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) report
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Open Data After its launch in January 2014, the Open Data Portal ( now holds over 2,000 data files in addition to 13 dashboards and 87 data visualizations 80% of datasets are in open format
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Participatory Budgeting and Audit 3 CPA Audit Reports Published Expansion of the Bottom-up Budgeting to cover more than 1500 LGUs. Over P57 billion has been allocated for almost 40,000 local projects in the national budget between 2013 and 2015. An online portal was also developed for easier monitoring of these projects Both CPA and BuB won major awards conferred the Open Government Partnership
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Ease of Doing Business 43 notch improvement (from 138th to 95th) in the World Bank's Doing Business Global Survey between 2013 and 2015.
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Improving Public Sector Performance 254 LGUs conferred with SGLG 254 PCMs awarded with PCF grant 1,086 frontline service offices passed Report Card Survey of ARTA Program 32 NGAs with signed Performance Pledges 98% of agencies comply to the Good Governance Conditions of RBPMS for 2014
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 National Justice Information System On-going implementation of Inmate Management Information System and NBI Clearance Online Application System
Major Accomplishments 2013-2015 Strengthening Anti-Corruption Measures RIPS: 320 personnel investigated, 110 charged, 34 with successful resolutions from 2012-2015 RATS: 118 cases filed, P3.8B amount/value of goods subject of smuggling cases from 2013-2015 RATE: 264 cases filed from 2013-2015
Panel Walk Activity
Instructions Read through project status reports Post your comments or questions around the area of the specific initiative of interest Representatives from the Governance Cluster implementing agencies and OGP Commitment holders are present here Selected initiatives will be discussed during Kapihan Session