GERT DANIELSEN PROGRAMME SPECIALIST, UNDP 11 MAY 2009 Effective Aid? From Paris to Accra to Doha and Beyond
TODAY’S PRESENTATION What is the Paris Declaration (PD)? Any progress since Paris? What came out of Accra? What is the UN response? Access to more information Q&A, Discussion
WHAT IS THE PARIS DECLARATION? Millennium Summit 2000, Summit+5 Monterrey (FfD) 2002, Rome 2003, Paris 2005, Accra 2008 (AAA), HLF OECD, WB, Regional Banks, civil society Monitoring Surveys 2006 and 2008 PD Implementation Evaluation
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, March 2005 Who endorsed it? 35 donor countries 26 multilateral donor agencies 56 countries that receive aid (recently more) 14 civil society organisations present Roadmap to deliver more effective aid: 56 specific commitments 12 indicators of progress
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: 12 Indicators of Progress (1/2) Ownership: 1. Partners have operational development strategies. Alignment: 2. Reliable country systems. 3. Aid flows are aligned on national priorities. 4. Strengthen capacity by coordinated support. 5. Use of country systems. 6. Strengthen capacity by avoiding parallel PIUs. 7. Aid is more predictable 8. Aid is untied.
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness: 12 Indicators of Progress (2/2) Harmonization: 9. Use common arrangements or procedures. 10. Encourage shared analysis and joint missions. Managing for Development Results: 11. Results-oriented frameworks. Mutual Accountability: 12. Joint/independent country reviews of aid effectiveness.
Paris-FfD Principles Effective development cooperation - an integral part of global partnership for development Development cooperation guided by a shared set of development goals, owned by all stakeholders. National development priorities and IADGs constitute this agreed framework for development cooperation
From Monterrey and Paris Outcome 2005 FfDPD Doha Dec Accra Sept DCF ECOSOC symposia and HLD Monitoring progress, CCIs, CSOs
TODAY’S PRESENTATION What is the Paris Declaration (PD)? Any progress since Paris? What came out of Accra? What is the UN response? Access to more information Q&A, Discussion
ANY PROGRESS SINCE PARIS? Ownership PDI 117% vs 12,5% (target 75%) Poor predictability Alignment Little progress with aid on budget Some improvement on untying Some improvement on PFM systems quality Little use of systems, no ‘quality correlation’
ANY PROGRESS SINCE PARIS? Harmonisation Some progress on PBAs Some progress on joint missions, studies Managing for Development Results Challenges in monitoring national devt plans Unrealistic performance matrices Mutual Accountability Need for donor-country balance CS and parliaments to come onboard
TODAY’S PRESENTATION What is the Paris Declaration (PD)? Any progress since Paris? What came out of Accra? What is the UN response? Access to more information Q&A, Discussion
WHAT CAME OUT OF ACCRA? Accra Agenda for Action Predictability – donors will provide 3-5 year forward information on planned ODA Partner country systems – first option for aid delivery Conditionality – switch from prescriptive conditions to countries’ dev’t objectives Conditionality – conditions made public
WHAT CAME OUT OF ACCRA? Broad ownership – more engagement of civil society and parliaments; CD for all Gender equality, environment, HR, disability – integrated into national plans Country-led division of labour – across sectors and countries (2009) Commitment to engage with CSOs Situations of fragility - special efforts
WHAT CAME OUT OF ACCRA? Monitoring – donors to align with country information systems Incentives for AE – authority to donor field offices and staff incentives Untying – restrictions relaxed to allow best quality-lowest price purchases Link to MDG Event and FfD Doha – SG asked to convey AAA message
TODAY’S PRESENTATION What is the Paris Declaration (PD)? Any progress since Paris? What came out of Accra? What is the UN response? Access to more information Q&A, Discussion
WHAT IS THE UN RESPONSE? UNDG Practice Note and Action Plan UNDG Working Party on Aid Effectiveness Capacity development for AE implementation (DoL for agencies, funds) UNCT implementation of the Paris Declaration Country and CS facilitation
Support in RRMs (CGs, RTs, JAS) Aid policy, AIMS and PFM linkage Peer-learning, tripartite cooperation Sharing best practices (CoP) CSO, gender, HR, MICs, new donors HIV response, post-crisis contexts UN positioning, UNCT facilitation WHAT IS THE UN RESPONSE?
UNDP ENGAGEMENT IN BS, FUNDS Growing demands from governments and the recent TCPRs - reports: “UNDP engagement in direct budget support and pooled funds” (DP/2008/36)DP/2008/36 “The role of UNDP in the changing aid environment at the country level”, DP/2008/53) in September DP/2008/53 The Executive Board issued two decisions and endorsed a four-year pilot period, enabling UNDP to provide limited financial contributions to a sector budget support fund and/or pooled fund (Decisions 2008/24 and 2008/29).Decisions 2008/24 and 2008/29 Main contribution: capacity development. Soon: Respective guidance note for COs on options and approval processes
OPTIONS FOR UNDP ENGAGEMENT UNDP support in a DBS environment in four ways: 1. Standard UNDP project for policy advisory services and capacity development support; 2. Managing a pooled fund upon request by a government; 3. Signing on to a sector budget support fund or a pooled fund as a non-fund provider or “signatory without” fiduciary obligation”, or becoming a non-signatory with observer status in the respective partnership group; 4. A financial contribution to a sector budget support fund or to a pooled fund. COs can undertake an appropriate combination of options
TODAY’S PRESENTATION What is the Paris Declaration (PD)? Any progress since Paris? What came out of Accra? What is the UN response? Access to more information Q&A, Discussion
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION Which tools will help the CO/CT? What are CT challenges?