Photo stand George Salukvadze Tbilisi State University Youlia Ilieva Krasteva CERN By
The photo stand at Open Days 2013 represents the combination of: desktop PC equipped with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 photo camera (tethered to PC) lighting backdrop with ATLAS detector on it. Photo stand at Open Days 2013
EXPECTATIONS AND IDEAS We are expecting several thousand persons each day only at ATLAS tent. The photo stand will serve the people in live queue. The photos then will be either printed out, uploaded to ATLAS Facebook page or both. Clients will be presented with the disclaimer form which will mention this and will have a small form to put the full name and signature. After taking photo clients will be presented with “ticket”, containing the URL and QR-Code of ATLAS Facebook page. The tests in order to determine the precise flow will be concluded by the end of the week. After these tests we plan to do detailed training for volunteers.
Take photo. Print/upload/both. The process Give out the disclaimer with the form to the client. This is done by separate person (not photographer/operator). Client presents the disclaimer to operator. The decision is made according to it on what to do with taken photo. Ticket with URL, QR-Code and timestamp is given to the client. Call next client. * This is only preliminary flow Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Thank you for attention Contacts: George Salukvadze Yulia Ilieva Krasteva