The Deadly Silence There is a deadly silence in our society today and it is killing our kids. Suicide is the 2 nd leading cause of death of our youth. Two kids die of suicide each week in the state of Washington…… Scot Simpson
Stress and Cup Activity…. Each student write a “stressor” (what stresses you out) on a piece of paper and fold it up. Be specific: Don’t say “school” instead write what specifically about school…”failed my Algebra test” Fold up paper & place it in a cup... Bring your cups up to the front table…
Need 2 volunteers How much “Stress” can you hold? Volunteer #1 will read the “stressor” out loud and give cup to the other Volunteer Volunteer #2 will hold as many cups “stress” as they can until they can’t hold any more (Can NOT nest the cups together)
Reflection Answer in your journal What does this activity represent? How does this affect the way you treat others in the future? What does this tell you about how you deal with your own life?
Life’s Slot Machine It’s not just one thing… a combination of what is going on in ones life Biological - body chemistry Sociological - friends Psychological - emotions Existential – View of the world
Suicide cuts through every age, economic background, and ethnicity Former pro football player, Former pro football player, Stressed out 41 year old who had lost their job, Stressed out 41 year old who had lost their job, Olympic Athletic hopeful, Olympic Athletic hopeful, Puyallup Daffodil princess, Puyallup Daffodil princess, Woodinville High Senior Woodinville High Senior Mother who was diagnosed with cancer Mother who was diagnosed with cancer
Warning Signs of Suicide (Other Then Signs for Depression) Verbal signs such as “life is hopeless, everyone would be better without me” Hopelessness, withdrawal, anxiety, mood swings Previous attempts Talk of death, sudden interest in desire to die, the afterlife Close relative/friend who attempted Giving away prized/valuable items Becoming involved in drugs/alcohol, promiscuous behavior Impulsive behavior, uncontrollable acts of violence Changing of status on social media…could be forewarning
What Can You Do?? Show You Care “I’m concerned about you.. About how you feel” “I’m concerned about you.. About how you feel” “Tell me about what is making you so sad” “Tell me about what is making you so sad” “Together I know we can figure something out to make you feel better” “Together I know we can figure something out to make you feel better” “Your not alone. Let me help you” “ I have felt that way too, at times” “Your not alone. Let me help you” “ I have felt that way too, at times” Ask the Question? “Are you thinking about suicide?” “Are you thinking about suicide?” Call for Help- enlist others for support/guidance
Youth Suicide Prevention Program….
Suicide in Washington State An average of 2 youth between the ages of 10 and 24 kill themselves each week in Washington State In a recent state survey, more than one in every 10 high school students reported having attempted suicide; nearly one in four (20% - 25%) had seriously considered it Over 30% of LGBTQ youth report at least one suicide attempt within the last year Youth suicides outnumber youth homicides
Trevor Simpson’s Story… Sophomore at EWHS in early 90’s Excellent student and athlete Had many friends Good family life Suffered from childhood depression Completed suicide Family & Friends Psychological Autopsy Warning Signs- Giving Away favorite hat Asking friend if they were going to kill themselves, how would they do it? Girlfriend moves and breaks up - sadness
Trevor Simpson’s Story… After the Psychological Autopsy… Family helped start The Youth Suicide Prevention Program in Washington State Friends finished the “Warrior” in the main office Friends and school counselor started “The Suicide Prevention Team” which educated students about suicide prevention Trevor's best friends story
Suicide Fact Sheet
Suicide Facts/Questions 1. Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death among youth & young adults. 2. It is estimated that 5 million Americans have attempted suicide. 3. Washington State ranks 13 in the nation in suicide rate. 4. Suicide generally happens without warning. 5. Teenage girls attempt suicide 3 X more often then boys. 6. Two of the most common means of killing yourself are guns & hanging. 7. During the Christmas Holiday season the suicide rate drops. 8. Low income people are more likely to attempt suicide. 9. When a person has been depressed and than suddenly seems to feel better, that person is no longer at risk of killing themselves.
10. Suicidal people truly want to die % of all people think about killing themselves at some point in their lives. 12. Suicide tends to run in the family. 13. Only the mentally ill kill themselves. 14. Asking a person whether they are considering killing themselves will cause a suicide attempt. 15. Teenagers who threaten to kill themselves are not serious and are only seeking attention. 16.Once every day 68 young people in the U.S. attempt suicide. 17. Allowing a person who is thinking about suicide to talk about their feelings may help them change their mind and seek further help.
Stress & Meditation
AFTER JIMMY In your journal write down any warning signs of suicide that Jimmy might be demonstrating.