D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review EBIS Injector Linac Optics I I D.Raparia EBIS Review 2005/01/27-28 HEBT Booster Injection
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Acknowledgements Contributors: J. Alessi, E. Beebe, S. Pikin, A. Kponou, J. Ritter, C. Gardner, S. Y. Zhang, T. Roser
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Requirement for HEBT -Transport beam to Booster -Mismatch beam into Booster to avoid scraping at inflector and to reduce incoherent tune spread in the Booster. -Minimize energy spread at the injection, dp/p = ±0.05%, -Provide ion charge state discrimination -Diagnostics: Current Monitor (2), Multiwire/Faraday cup (3), Fast Faraday cup Twiss parameters at beginning and end of the HEBT ParametersEnd of IH LinacEntrance of BoosterUnits XX XX mm/mrad X (5* rms,unnorm) 11.0 mm mrad YY YY mm/mrad Y (5* rms,unnorm) 10.2 mm mrad E (for 5* rms Z ) 20 1.8 keV/u (Au +32 ) E (for 5* rms Z ) 9.4 3.7 keV/u (He +2 )
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Layout in the Linac Lower Equipment Bay Bunchers Quads
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Optics of the Transport line to the Booster Au 32+ Quad# G T/m Buncher V kV x y Wall
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Optics of the Transport line to the Booster 4 He +2 Quad# G T/m Buncher V kV y x
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Beam Envelope for Au +31 Most of the loss here
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Charge Discrimination Au +31 Dipole x y Q
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Booster Injection -Transverse: -For 1-4 turn injection, the calculate incoherent tune spread (for emittance of 0.7 pi mm mrad) is 0.62 to.16 without any emittance dilution. -Present 40 turn injection from tandem result 3 and 6 mm mrad or 4 and 8 times larger -Mismatch and/or off center (smoke ring) to dilute the emittance -Booster acceptance (VXH)=70X 225 mm mrad, (4.5 X15 Norm) -Longitudinal: -Simulation result show EBIS injected will have emittance of 0.05 eVs/u or lower (present 0.05 eVs/u) -Longitudinal microwave instability: Keil-Schnell criteria requires for trans. emit. of 0.7 mm mad and energy of 2 MeV/u should have dp/p >0.0012% which is satisfied by EBIS beam (dp/p = ±0.05%, )
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Booster Injection Mountain range of 4 EBIS capture schemes - Cases B & D has low losses and lower emittance Longitudinal Phase spaces after beam capture for 4 schemes
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Inflector Aperture Inflector gap is 17 mm and 2.2 meter long => Geometric acceptance 29 mm mrad, H =-1.87, H =2.5m Lattice function at exit of inflector are H =-1.72, H =11m, X =-2.4 m Full beam size =22.1 mm for matched injection Mismatch emittance dilution factor is Linac emittance of 0.7(norm) will result in 5 mm mrad Incoherent tune shift 0.08 Booster acceptance (VXH) 4.5 X 15 mm mrad (N) Matched off center Matched Mismatch Booster Accpt
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Electron Capture At 2 MeV/u, electron capture cross section reduced by factor of 40 relative to tandem.
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Booster Parameters N =5 mm mradV infl = (G/R)*(Mc 2 /Q)* 2 Note – maximum desired Booster emittance N = 10 mm mrad
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review Emittances Vertical mm mrad (N, 95%) Horizontal mm mrad (N, 95%) Booster * Linac1.4 Source0.7 Note: Booster acceptance (VXH) 4.5 X 15 mm mrad (N,95%) * mismatch injection
D. Raparia2005/01/27-28 MAC Review CONCLUSION Will use proven technologies for, RFQ, and IH structure. Preliminary study suggests this linac will satisfy all (transverse and longitudinal) requirement for Booster Injection.