CEPC Booster Zhang Chuang, Cui Xiaohao September 11,2015
Outline 1.General Description 2.Lattice 3.Dynamic Aperture Issues 4.Low Energy Injection 5.Injection and Ejection 6.Summary
1. General Description Booster is in the same tunnel of the CEPC collider It is installed right at the up-side of the collider Its has almost the same layout with the main collider Bypass lines are added to keep away from detectors
1. General Description It has 8 Arcs
1. General Description It has 8 straight sections
1. General Description Provides beams for the collider with top-up frequency of 0.1 Hz. Using 1.3 GHz RF system; The injection energy of the booster is 6 GeV; Magnetic Field is as low as 31 Gauss at injection. It has 2 Bypass Lines
Main Parameters ParameterSymbolUnitValue Injection EnergyE inj GeV6 Ejection EnergyE ej GeV120 Bending Radius m6089 Bending FieldB ej /B inj T0.0657/ Bunch NumberNb48 Bunch PopulationNbNb Beam CurrentI beam mA0.83 SR GeVP SR MW2.5 GeV ej nm.rad6.3 GeV inj nm.rad Transverse 6GeV T damp s s
2.Lattice Simple Structure FODO cell 47.2m 120 FODODIS ARC Straight ARC Bypa ss Strai ght ¼ Ring
Lattice functions FODOARC SF SD
Lattice functions SUPRING
Bypass Lattice s ()Lc4(3)Lc()Lc4(3)Lc 6(3)Lc6(3)Lc 20(14)L c 4Lc+2L4Lc+2L 6(3)Lc6(3)Lc ()Lc4(3)Lc()Lc4(3)Lc ()Lc6(5)Lc()Lc6(5)Lc ()Lc6(5)Lc()Lc6(5)Lc
Different Lattice
3. Dynamic Aperture Issues Two Questions: 1. How Many turns do we need for the DA tracking? 2. Is the DA large enough for our need? DA for 240 Turns DA for 5000 Turns -- No Energy Deviation
Due to the weak damping at Low Energy, electrons in the booster should be stable at least during the time ramping to 120 GeV, 5s(30000Turns). The beam size at low energy is determined by the injection. In the booster, on center injection is adopted, and the Linac emittance is 0.3mm.mrad. At the DA tracking point, x =5mm, y =2.9mm 。 Energy Spread of the Linac beam is 0.1%, so maybe a 0.5% energy acceptance is enough? Dynamic Aperture for Turns tracking, about 6 in the horizontal and 3 in the vertical.
FMA for the booster --- with Elegant
FMA for the booster --- Not crossing half integer
4. Low Energy injection issues The bending field of CEPC booster is 614Gs at 120 GeV; To reduce the cost of linac injector, the injection beam energy for booster is chosen as low as 6 GeV with the magnetic field of 31 Gs. It needs to be tested if the magnetic field could be stable enough at such a low field against the earth field of Gs and its variation? Try to find a way to increase the bending field at injection.
Low field stability test A BEPC bending magnet: B 0 I B =1060A; B 0 I B =3A 。 Power supplies for ADS: 3A/5V, 15A/8V ; I/I < 1 。
Low field stability test
The earth field outside the magnet: B x =0.55 0.026Gs, B y =0.45 0.027Gs, B z =0.25 0.03 Gs B= 0.8 0.04Gs Inside the magnet, B y =7.0 0.05Gs is dominated by residual field, B x =0.4 0.04Gs reduced due to the shielding while B z =0.25 0.03 Gs. The reason of the measured field variation (field itself or measurement error) is being investigated; The 24h field stability ( B ) for 30 Gs-150 Gs is about (1-2) ; The magnet ramps smoothly around the low fields with accuracy better than 1 ; The field error B y /B y for x (-60, 60) mm and B y (30-150) Gs The injected beam energy for booster of 6 GeV could be feasible in view of magnetic field stability.
5. Injection and Ejection e beams are injected from outside of the booster ring; Horizontal septum is used to bend beams into the booster; A single kicker downstream of injected beams kick the beams into the booster orbit.
Single kicker + 4 orbit bumps are used for beam extraction vertically from the booster; Septum magnets are applied to bend beams vertically into BTC;
Summary A preliminary CEPC booster design is given. The dynamic aperture and nonlinear dynamics optimization have to be done for the booster. Low magnetic field is a central concern in the design of the booster. Machine Error will be added in the future.
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