Ivan Kramskoy was born on the 27th of May, He was born in Ostrogozhsk. Kramskoy is a Russian painter of genre, historical and portrait painting.
«Portrait of Leo Tolstoy», 1873 «Portrait of Leo Tolstoy» For example, his famous picture «Portrait of Leo Tolstoy» was painted in September In this famous image of a talented writer Kramskoy was very clearly displayed the talent of a psychologist. Background picture is very dark and ugly. This allows us to pay attention to the character of a picture. Kramskoy was able to look into the depths of the human soul. In his work the artist tries to demonstrate the uniqueness of a creative nature of Tolstoy, his willpower and incredible intelligence. 1. Uniqueness – уникальность; 2. Willpower – сила воли; 3. Incredible intelligence – невероятный интеллект
On this picture we see a beautiful and fashionable girl. A proud facial expression shows spoiled and capricious nature. Background picture is winter cityscape. Background is very delicate and moderate. A woman is wearing in expensive and tasteful clothes. Master perfectly represented the texture of silk, velvet and fur. This picture was recognized by a model of taste, femininity and beauty. 1.Fashionable - модный 2.Spoiled – избалованный 3.Capricious - капризный 4.Silk – шелк 5.Velvet - бархат 6.Fur – мех
Ilya Repin was born on the 5th of August, He was born in Ukraine. Ilya Repin is a Russian artist, master of portrait, historical and banal scene.
One of the most famous works is portrait of Vasily Surikov. The artist represented the character and temperament of Surikov very skillfully. Repin painted him as ambitious and strong man. The author showed us good health and big stock of vitality through black hair, fashionable beard, plump red lips, slightly full face, black eyes. portrait of Vasily Surikov, Beard – бородка 2.Vitality – жизненные силы