What’s My Leadership Color? Beth Thomsett-Scott University of North Texas Libraries Denton, TX
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Agenda and Introductions “True Colors” Quiz “True Colors” Quiz Leadership Colors Leadership Colors Attributes and Stressors Attributes and Stressors Esteem and Colors Esteem and Colors Based on “True Colors – An Approach to Understanding Self and Others” by Julie Ray, Partners in Learning Based on “True Colors – An Approach to Understanding Self and Others” by Julie Ray, Partners in Learning
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Blue Leadership Style Democratic, unstructured approach Democratic, unstructured approach Encourages change through human potential Encourages change through human potential Expects people to develop their potential Expects people to develop their potential Assumes “family spirit” Assumes “family spirit” Works to develop others’ potential Works to develop others’ potential Expects others to express views Expects others to express views People oriented People oriented
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Gold Leadership Style Rules oriented Rules oriented Detailed/thorough approach Detailed/thorough approach Threatened by change Threatened by change Seldom questions tradition Seldom questions tradition Expects punctuality, order, loyalty Expects punctuality, order, loyalty Slow to initiate change Slow to initiate change Expects people to stay within their roles Expects people to stay within their roles
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Green Leadership Style Visionary, analytical Visionary, analytical Encourages change for improvement Encourages change for improvement Expects intelligence and competence Expects intelligence and competence Assume each task has relevance Assume each task has relevance Seeks ways to improve systems Seeks ways to improve systems
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Orange Leadership Style Assumes flexibility Assumes flexibility Expects quick action Expects quick action Works in the ‘here and now’ Works in the ‘here and now’ Performance oriented Performance oriented Welcomes change Welcomes change Incorporates change quickly Incorporates change quickly Expects people to make it “fun” Expects people to make it “fun”
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Characteristics
8 Blue Characteristics Mediators Mediators Caretakers Caretakers Cooperative vs competitive Cooperative vs competitive Motivate and encourage others Motivate and encourage others Peacemakers Peacemakers Sensitive to the needs of others Sensitive to the needs of others
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Gold Characteristics Be prepared, enjoy planning Be prepared, enjoy planning Detail and service oriented Detail and service oriented Puntcual predicatable and precise Puntcual predicatable and precise Value order and the status quo Value order and the status quo Duty, loyalty, useful, responsible Duty, loyalty, useful, responsible Have a “right” way to do everything Have a “right” way to do everything Prefer formal environments Prefer formal environments
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Green Characteristics Intellectual, theoretical Intellectual, theoretical Abstract, conceptual, global-thinker Abstract, conceptual, global-thinker Can never know enough Can never know enough Idea people Idea people Philosophical Philosophical Perfectionist, standard setter Perfectionist, standard setter Visionary, futurist Visionary, futurist
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Orange Characteristics Playful, energetic, charming, risk-taker Playful, energetic, charming, risk-taker Push the boundaries Push the boundaries Prefer informal environments Prefer informal environments Appreciated immediate feedback Appreciated immediate feedback Like tangible rewards Like tangible rewards High need for mobility High need for mobility Thrive on competition Thrive on competition
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Stressors
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Blue Stressors Too much negative talk/thinking Too much negative talk/thinking Too much conformity Too much conformity Being compared to tohers Being compared to tohers Completing paperwork as a priority Completing paperwork as a priority Placing the system before people Placing the system before people Lack of social contact Lack of social contact Conflict, lying, insincerity Conflict, lying, insincerity
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Gold Stressors Incomplete tasks Incomplete tasks Disorganization, irresponsibility Disorganization, irresponsibility Changing details, lack of details Changing details, lack of details Ambiguous tasks, lack of structure Ambiguous tasks, lack of structure Not following through Not following through Too many tasks going on at once Too many tasks going on at once
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Green Stressors Lack of recognition of their ability Lack of recognition of their ability Incompetence Incompetence Small talk, social situations Small talk, social situations Lack of independence Lack of independence Subjective judgment Subjective judgment Not being in charge Not being in charge
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Orange Stressors Rules and regulations Rules and regulations Imposed structure, repetition Imposed structure, repetition Routine, deadlines, inactivity Routine, deadlines, inactivity Too much responsibility Too much responsibility Lack of variety, fun Lack of variety, fun Personal criticism Personal criticism
c. B. Thomsett-Scott, SWASAP Thanks for listening! Thanks for listening! Enjoy the rest of the conference! Enjoy the rest of the conference!