MGS 4560 Quiz 4 Presentation Tips Chapter 12 & 16 discussion Exam overview Meeting with each group to discuss final group project
Presentations Start with the time parameters 7-10 minutes means 7 minimum and 10 maximum Each presenter should know his/her individual time limit Practice as a group to get the timing right Work on transitions from one presenter to the next
Presentations Remember to breathe Be ready to think on your feet. What are the most important points you would make if you only had a minute. Don’t distract while others in your group are presenting Know when to stop talking
Presentations Slides should not be too busy Do not read from the slide Slides should be consistent in format and style
Cash Management One of the most important assets a company owns One of the least productive assets a company owns
Cash Management Business is booming! What happens to cash management during periods of high growth? What is a Burn Rate?
Cash Management Collecting Invoices should be timely, clear and accurate Include all information that the customer contact needs to generate payment Accounts Receivables “The sale does not count until you collect the money!!”
Cash Management Accounts Payable Inventory
Cash Management Bartering Example in Atlanta:
Leadership “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Leadership What is the difference between Leadership and Management?
Hiring the Right People How to identify an “A” player? Interviewing skills – no substitute for experience Start interviewing for your first hires now