Check the spelling in a document Check a document for grammatical errors Translate text to and from other languages Use the thesaurus Find specific text Replace specific text Create AutoCorrect entries and exceptions Insert the date and time as text or as a field Insert special characters 1 Word Lesson 4 presentation prepared by Kathy Clark (Southside H.S. IT Academy Teacher at Chocowinity, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
2 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft. Thesaurus A Thesaurus is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Source:
3 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft. Once the Thesaurus is selected, it will bring up a window pane with suitable options. The user should then decide the best choice. Thesaurus right clicking The Thesaurus may also be selected by right clicking on the word.
4 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft. Ever felt like you are looking for a needle in a hay stack?
5 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
8 question mark ? A question mark ? can be used to substitute for any individual character. Example: s?t Would find sit, sat, set or any word that started with s ended with t and had one letter in between. wildcard A wildcard is a symbol that takes the place of an unknown character or set of characters. Source: Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
9 asterisk * On the other hand, an asterisk * can be used to substitute for any string of characters. Example: s*t would find sit, sat, soot, stilt, any word that began with s and ended with t no matter how many characters are in between. Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
10 Can be found on the Find dropdown menu. Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
11 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
12 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft. Checkbox makes it a field rather than static. What does this mean?
13 When inserted as a field, the date and time will automatically update. Select Insert Tab and Quick Parts Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
14 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
15 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.
16 Word Lesson 5 presentation prepared by Mary Henson (Smoky Mountain High School IT Academy Teacher at Sylva, NC). Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft.