Nouns 6 th Grade English
Nouns Noun ▫Names a person –scientist ▫Names a place- fire station ▫Names a thing- microscope ▫Names an idea (something that cannot be touched)- friendship Common noun ▫Do not name a particular person, place, thing, or idea ▫Lower case ▫Friend, reporter
Noun Proper noun ▫Names a particular person, place, thing, or idea ▫Capitalize ▫Baltimore, Thursday, White house Singular noun ▫Names one person, place, thing, idea Plural noun ▫Names more than one person place, thing, idea ▫Usually add an “s” ▫In some cases add “es”, “ies”, “ves” ▫Consul ▫t a dictionary if in doubt ▫Some nouns spelled the same for singular and a plural
nouns ▫Irregular noun Does not follow the plural pattern Changes form Child-children Man-men ▫Examples Truck-trucks Potato- potatoes Baby-babies Wolf- wolves Moose- moose Goose- geese
Nouns Possessive nouns ▫Who or what owns something ▫Singular possessive One person, place, thing owns something else Always add‘s to the end of word Woman’s gloves Plural possessive ▫More than one owns something ▫Plural noun that ends with “s” Students Add only an apostrophe Students’ papers ▫Plural noun that does not end in “s” Women Add ’s Women’s hats