The Ideal Parents Created by T Stivers Schindewolf Intermediate Session 2 Parenting and Paternity Awareness
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Partners Chats: “What was it Like When you Were a Child?” Activity (see file) Review meanings of biological parents and caregivers. Partner discussions describing your family: Are there other children? How many and how old, compared to you? Names? Are your biological parents your caregiver? What type of relationship do you have with your parents? Are you close to your mother and father? Someone else like a step-parent? Uncle? Etc Who was there for you when you needed help or guidance? Was there a time when you needed someone and no one was there for you?
Every child needs a “go-to” caregiver, a person who the child can depend on to be there to provide basic protection and care. Partner Chats: “What was it Like When you Were a Child?” Activity Summary Summarize the activity
Looking at the defining word list: What two words would be important for a parent and why? Of all the words on the list, some are a lot more important for a parent than others. It doesn’t matter much if a parent is a swimmer or poet. It does matter if a parent is kind rather than mean.
How would your parents react to the news that you were going to have a baby?
Activity: How Ready Are You? How would you measure up as a parent right now?
Very towards back of the room Somewhat..... in the middle of room Not at all front of the room Read pg. 8 list of words to class
I magine that you are going to have a brand-new grandchild. The best part is that YOU get to pick the parents for this baby. Write a want-ad for the parents of your grandchild. Advertise for the ideal parents List in the ad characteristics you would want the parents to have
Think about: Is it important for the child to have two parents? Is there a different list of qualities that apply to fathers rather than mothers? How important is it for the parents to get along with each other? Would you want them to be married?