Autor: EBTN – Mario Spatafora Venue: Lisbon Date: 31 st October 2008 Project State of the Art CERTIfication & Accreditation System for FInancial Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Autor: EBTN – Mario Spatafora Venue: Lisbon Date: 31 st October 2008 Project State of the Art CERTIfication & Accreditation System for FInancial Services Sector EDucation & Training

CERTIFIED PROJECT AIM A) a competence - based Certification System B) a transparent Accreditation System training courses training providers in the Financial Services Sector in EU CREATING

MEETINGS Kick-off Meeting (Athens, 2-3 November 2006) h 1 st Coordination Meeting (Frankfurt, 14 February 2007) h 2 nd Coordination Meeting (Bucharest, June 2007) h Piloting Group Meeting (Rome, 26 October 2007) h 3 rd Coordination Meeting (Athens, December 2007) h 4 th Coordination Meeting (Luxembourg 31 March – 1 April 2008) h 5 th Coordination Meeting (Lisbon 31 October 2008) h WORKSHOPS Validation Workshop (Frankfurt, 16 February 2007) h Integration Workshop (Paris 14 November 2008) h Consolidation Workshop (Luxembourg 31 March – 1 April 2008) h Dissemination Worksop (Copenhagen 27 June 2008) h DISSEMINATION CONFERENCE (Bruxelles, 12 December 2008) MEETINGS

Wp 6: Piloting, Validation and Consolidation Reporting on Expert focus Group HBA+IFB+WIB Accreditation & Certification System: Validation & Consolidation of the methodological framework Wp 7: Sustainability Building Sustainability Plan Business Development Model Declaration of endorsement from EBTN Members, sector actors and other stakeholders CURRENT STAGE:

Wp 8: Valorisation & Dissemination Valorisation & Dissemination Plan Project website and discussion Forum Four quarterly e-newsletters Dissemination Conference and its proceedings Key project results (Book) CURRENT STAGE:

PROPOSED PROCESS OF CERTIFICATION Application Registration Assessment Self Assessment Porfolio Witnesses of candidates performance Examination Validation Certificate A&C Committee suggestion: Witnesses of candidates performance instead of “Line Manager Approval”

COMPETENCE MAP Competence standards Self diagnosis APL (Accreditation Prior Learning) Career development paths Design of courses programmes and assessment Design of Professional Profile