America as a World Power Nicole & Angel
Peacemaker Russian and Japanese delegates came together in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Japanese wanted Sakhalin island and a large amount of money from Russia Russia agreed to let Japanese take over its interests in Manchuria and Korea
Panama Canal Roosevelt wanted to accomplish the fourth goal building a canal through central America. The canal would reduce travel time for commercial and military ships by providing a short cut between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. In 1850 the U.S. and Britain agreed to share the canal. In 1901 Britain gave exclusive rights to build and control the canal.
Two Possible Routes One would be through Nicaragua –Posed problems because the route crossed a large lake The second would be through Panama –It was shorter even though there were mountains and swamps
Constructing the Canal The complete cost of the Panama Canal was almost $400 million dollars More than 5600 people who worked on the canal died from accidents or diseases On August 15, 1914 the Canal opened Over 1000 merchant ships used the canal when it first opened
The Mexican Revolution Americans invested in Mexican oil wells, mines, railroads, and ranches. ( & obviously José :] ) In 1911 Francisco Madero became President Madero could not do anything about the conflicting demands of landowners, peasants, factory workers, and the urban middle class Two years later General Victoriano Huerta took control over the government and executed Madero
The Mexican Revolution (Cont.) Woodrow Wilson had a plan of “watchful waiting” for a chance to go against Huerta The chance came in 1914 when Mexican police arrested a group of American sailors The Mexicans let go of the sailors but Wilson used it as an excuse to invade Mexico More than 100 Mexicans died The U.S. proposed that Huerta let go of his title and the U.S. troops leave without paying Mexico for damages Huerta denied the idea But The Huerta regime came down and Venustiano Carrazana became president.
Pershing Pursues Villa Emiliano Zapata and Francisco “Pancho” Villa led revolts against Carranza as the turmoil in Mexico Zapata was an Indian dedicated to land reform and Villa was an anti- Carranza revolutionary Villa threatened reprisal against the U.S.
Pershing Pursues Villa (Cont.) Wilson sent troops in to Mexico to try to capture Villa General John J. Pershing led the troops of about 15,000 soldiers For over a year Villa stayed out of sight of the troops Wilson sent more troops and the Mexicans got angry at the U.S. Carranza demanded that Wilson retreat the troops Wilson refused
The Panama Canal This Canal would be a way to reduce travel miles by 7800 mi Instead of going around south America they could go through Panama This increased world Trade for the United States and America became the economic leader in the world marketplace
The Panama Canal (Cont.) It took The United States ten years to build the Panama Canal There have been more that 70 nations passed through the canal The boats that passed through could only be 106 feet across and 965 feet in length and no more than 39.5 feet deep