Objective: I will add and subtract polynomials by combining like terms.
Vocabulary Polynomial - expression where the sum is in the form of ax k and k is nonnegative Standard Form - 2x 3 + 5x 2 - 4x + 7 *Terms written in descending order from largest to smallest degree Degree - the exponent of the variable in each term Degree of a Polynomial - largest degree of all terms Leading Coefficient - coefficient of first term when polynomial is in standard form Monomial - polynomial with one term Binomial - polynomial with two terms Trinomial - polynomial with three terms Leading Coefficient DegreeConstant Term
1. Add the following polynomials: (9y - 7x + 15a) + (-3y + 8x - 8a) Group your like terms. 9y - 3y - 7x + 8x + 15a - 8a 6y + x + 7a 7a + x + 6y (Alphabetical Order) (Horizontal Method)
Combine your like terms. 3a 2 + 3ab + 4ab - b 2 + 6b 2 3a 2 + 7ab + 5b 2 2. Add the following polynomials: (3a 2 + 3ab - b 2 ) + (4ab + 6b 2 )
Add the polynomials. + X2X2 11 X X XY Y Y Y Y 111 X Y Y Y x 2 + 3x + xy + 7y x 2 + 2x + 4y x + 7y x xy + 8
Line up your like terms. 4x 2 - 2xy + 3y 2 +-3x 2 - xy + 2y 2 _________________________ x 2 - 3xy + 5y 2 3. Add the following polynomials using column form: (4x 2 - 2xy + 3y 2 ) + (-3x 2 - xy + 2y 2 ) (Vertical Method)
Guided Practice Find the sum or difference. (5a – 3b) + (2a + 6b) 1.3a – 9b 2.3a + 3b 3.7a + 3b 4.7a – 3b
Rewrite subtraction as adding the opposite. (9y - 7x + 15a) + (+ 3y - 8x + 8a) Group the like terms. 9y + 3y - 7x - 8x + 15a + 8a 23a - 15x + 12y 4. Subtract the following polynomials: (9y - 7x + 15a) - (-3y + 8x - 8a)
Rewrite subtraction as adding the opposite. (7a - 10b) + (- 3a - 4b) Group the like terms. 7a - 3a - 10b - 4b 4a - 14b 5. Subtract the following polynomials: (7a - 10b) - (3a + 4b)
Line up your like terms and add the opposite. 4x 2 - 2xy + 3y 2 + (+ 3x 2 + xy - 2y 2 ) x 2 - xy + y 2 6. Subtract the following polynomials using column form: (4x 2 - 2xy + 3y 2 ) - (-3x 2 - xy + 2y 2 )
Guided Practice Find the sum or difference. (5a – 3b) – (2a + 6b) 1.3a – 9b 2.3a + 3b 3.7a + 3b 4.7a – 9b
Independent Practice (4c + 7m) – (c – 2m)