English for Business Communication By Radik Darmawan
Welcoming visitors VisitorReceptionist Introduce yourself Say you have an appointment with ….. Welcome visitor Explain that … will be along shortly Offer a drink Decline-ask if you can use a phone Say yes-offer as well Decline-you only need the phone Show visitor to the phone Thank him/her (after 5 minutes) Thank assistant Reply-offer any other help Ask how far it is to station Two miles – ten minutes by taxi. Offer to book one Accept offer – suggest time Promise to do that – say that … is free now Offer to take him/her to …’s office
Leaving a message CallerReceptionist Introduce yourself Ask to speak to Mr …. Tifico, good morning Ask when you can contact him Mr. … is not in You want Mr …. To call you. Repeat your name. Give your number Explain that he is away – offer to take message End call Confirm the information End call
Making an appointment CallerCalled person Intership, good morning Check name Offer to help Ask what it’s about Acknowledge – ask when would be a good time Reject- ….. Is away Suggest beginning of next month Reject – on Monday …. Is busy all day. Suggest Tuesday Agree – ask for an to confirm. Offer to book hotel End call/thanks/refer to Greeting, introduce yourself Confirm/correct Ask for appointment with … Explain that you want to discuss transport of goods from ….. To ….. Suggest next week Agree-suggest Monday 3 rd Agree. Suggest a.m. Agree to . Hotel booking is not necessary Signal end of call End call
Handling complaint CallerCalled person Matrix 5, good morning Offer to help Express surprise Suggest possible error in order administration Explain stock problem Promise next Monday Express regret – not possible Greeting, introduce yourself Explain problem. Order HF5618 for 20 printers. Only 17 have arrived This is second time you have received an incomplete delivery Agree – say you need the other three printers urgently. Delays are costing goodwill – unhappy customers Ask for a promise of delivery date - ASAP Complaint – you want dispatch now Ask for an to confirm dispatch Agree – apologize. End call
Negotiation 1 OjanperaBeck Instrument Offer to buy the machine if BI can give you a good price. Say that your prices are very competitive Ask for a discount Say a disccount could be possible if OP agrees to pay for shipping cost Agree if the discount is attractive Offer 4% Ask for 6% Unfortunately, you can’t agree, unless OP pays for the installation Agree Confirm you agreement
Negitiation 2 Visitor Receptionist Ask for 200 exhaust pipes – part number DR No problem! Ask when they are needed. Immediately. Ask for 10% discount Refuse. Prices are already discounted Ask for unit price $150 Bargain - $135 Refuse. Suggest 2.5% discount if payment is made at time of order Refuse. Ask for 5% with 6o days to pay Refuse. Say margins are very tight Comment. Say you will call again tomorrow. You expect a better offer Your prices are very competitive. Say good bye
Presentation Beginning Middle End Introduction Content Summary / conclusion
Beginning of presentation Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name’s ……. From ……… Today I’m going to talk about financial resources for business And I’m going to divide this presentation into two parts. First of all, I’m going to explain about investment. Second, I’m going to explain about loan. Financial Resources for Business Investment Loan
Content 1 Let’s come to the first part of my presentation that is investment. If you a corporation, your company deserve to issue stock in exchange for money. It means that the investor buy your stocks and you get the money to run your business In return, you have to pay dividend regularly to the stockholders That’s all about investment Buy dividend
Content 2 Now, let’s come to the second part of my presentation that is loan. There are some steps in affording loan. First of all, the company representative comes to the bank to ask for loan. Second, the bank will request the financial statement of the company to make sure that the company if eligible for loan. After that, the company may choose short-term or long –term loan. Then, the bank will give the loan. Consequently the company must pay interest regularly Ask for loan give loan Pay interest
Conclusion In conclusion, company can get money by issuing stock in exchange for investment or by coming to the bank for requesting loans Company
Beginning of presentation How to achieve the sales target Reducing operational cost Renewing the sales system