oI feel like my media product has challenged forms and conventions of real media products a little bit because of the way I have placed my masthead on the cover page and the fact that I put it in Irish. Apart from the masthead, the layout is kept quite traditional with the main image in the middle third of the page and the cover lines on either side of the main image. oI have kept the same fonts, colours and styles the same throughout both my cover and content page which gives it a professional look and helped me to develop my own house style. oAs I have placed more than one image on the front cover of the magazine I feel like I haven’t stuck by the traditional form and made it a bit more interesting for the audience. This will also make it stand out from other magazines.
oI feel like my magazine represents particular social groups well as my aim was to design it so teenagers from around the age of would enjoy reading it. oI tried to keep it modern and colourful so it would appeal to the audience and I think I achieved this through my cover and content pages. As I put the masthead in Irish I feel like I have added more of an interest into the magazine and it also would appeal to all students of the school especially the Irish Medium students. oThe images I used are happy and fun, reflecting on the type of magazine I wanted to create. I used images of students to make other pupils in the school to enjoy the magazine and be able to relate to them.
oI feel that the school would be the perfect institute to distribute my magazine as it applies to this school and that the students would enjoy reading it. oI feel like the school is the best distributer for my magazine as it could help students in their school life with such stories as organising yourself and help on how to study for exams. Although its aimed at students I feel that teachers could also read it as it includes stories with past pupils and how the 6 th formers got on in Kenya.
oThe ideal audience for my media product would be teenagers aged as my analysis of the questionnaires have shown. oAll my research and information has been based around this therefore my magazine should appeal to students of those ages. oI also feel that teachers and parents might find this magazine useful as it gives out information on the school and social events in the local community.
oI attracted my audience by sending around 20 questionnaires to find out what they wanted most in a school magazine. I also asked people on their opinions of what I was making to see if it appealed to them. oWhen I had received back the completed questionnaires I analysed the information that people had given me and done my research on what would appeal to the most. oAll of the information I have collected was very useful as it gave me an insight into what people wanted and allowed me to see that not everyone had the same tastes. Which made making the magazine quite challenging as I had to be specific to what my audience wanted, not just me.
oThroughout the process of creating my media product, I have used and learnt a lot about technologies. During the preliminary task I used programmes and hardware such as: oDigital Camera oPrezi oPhotoshop oPbworks oMost of these technologies are relatively new to me and took a bit of time to get used to, but once I knew how to work them I found it quite easy to manage them. oOverall, I found learning about the technologies quite interesting and it helped me to expand my computer knowledge, which will be a great help when I’m making the real magazine!
I can see that my masthead is different to ‘HP WORLD’S’ as I was challenging media forms and conventions with my style. If I had to change it I would as I feel like ‘HP WORLD’S’ looks more professional. I can see that both my magazine and ‘HP WORLD’ both have a school crest in the left top third. This shows authority and makes it look professional and realistic. The main images are both of students which makes the magazines look friendly and approachable. If I could change one thing about my main image, it would be to make it a bit bigger as I feel like ‘HP WORLD’s’ picture looks better as it shows more of the school. Both magazines have the cover lines on both sides of the page, this gives a fuller look onto the cover. Both magazines have slogans, I feel like mine would have been a bit clearer if it was placed under the masthead and if it was on the skyline of the page. Both magazines have a puff also. This helps to catch the readers eye and attracts them to get the magazine. Also, both magazine have a barcode, which helps it to look authentic and realistic. I like how I used the three pictures in the bottom third of my page, although if I had to do it again I maybe wouldn’t use them as I feel like the ‘HP WORLD’ front cover looks more professional without them.
I can see that my masthead is quite similar to the other contents page, I choose this style as it is clear and gives the audience a direct insight on what the page is about. I used the school crest in the skyline here as well as it gives an authentic look and I feel like the other contents page doesn’t look as realistic or professional without. I can see that both contents page has the images down the left third as this is where the readers eye is attracted to as soon as they look at a page. The cover lines on both content pages are on the right third. I think it looks best there as it follows the readers eye line. I placed my slogan along the bottom third, I feel like this doesn’t really address the reader properly as they might not understand why it is there. It might look better if I had placed it under my masthead.