Unions & Freedom of Association Reframing the Question: How do unions fit into the constellation of elements in a just global production, employment, and.


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Presentation transcript:

Unions & Freedom of Association Reframing the Question: How do unions fit into the constellation of elements in a just global production, employment, and consumption system? Tom Kochan MIT

Starting Points: Values that underlie our approach to this work Freedom of association is a fundamental human right Unions are essential institution in democratic society Worker voice is critical element in achieving and sustaining fair labor standards

What we know/have learned Unions improve wages, working conditions, & turnover –If linked with appropriate HR practices and production systems increase quality, safety, productivity Symbiotic effects of powerful unions on power of others –Strengthen HR/IR management professionals in firms –Strengthen Labor Ministry professionals within governments Codes of conduct not effective in achieving freedom of association Unions can extend govt. enforcement –Tripartite role in Brazil (yesterday) –Wage/Hour-S&H (Weil’s research and more)

Challenges in Realizing Union Potential Unions represent minute fraction of workers in global supply chains- so need to leverage limited presence Unions vary in effectiveness, power, representativeness, independence… Most unions are local, decentralized, not coordinated within or across global corporations Traditional roles, strategies of unions not sufficient: Modern approaches needed Capacity building challenges are enormous Unions need to work in coalitions with: NGOs, other unions, works councils, governments, employers, researchers… but are unstable coalition partners

Implications for Research Guiding Theoretical Propositions –Unions are an essential complement (element) in global employment/production systems –The greater the power of unions, the bigger their effects on wages and working conditions –It is not unions per se that affect organizational performance: It is the quality of the labor management relations –The greater the union capacity to work in coalitions, partnerships, etc. the greater the effects on improving and sustaining labor standards and performance

Research Agenda Don’t just study presence/absence of unions Study variations in: –Power –Ability to work in coalitions/partnerships… –Legitimacy-representativeness.. –Structures –Capacities Above all: Don’t study unions in isolation: It is the quality of the relationships with members, employers, governments, and other stakeholders that matters

Advocacy-Policy Agenda: Bring this Perspective/Evidence to Bear Trade and Labor Standards Debates Government Enforcement Strategies Unions Capacity Building—promote investment National Labor Policies ILO and International Labor Bodies Within Corporations Within Unions-Labor Federations