Technology Education - 9 (BINDER FRONT PAGE) Course Outline
Contact Info… Mr. Saunders Technology Education Eastern Passage Education Center 93 Samuel Danial Dr. Eastern Passage, N.S. B3G 1S8 Phone: Ext.126 Fax: Web Site: MSN:
Tech Ed - 9 Welcome to the course. As students in this class you will learn about Technology Education in both a classroom and a lab setting during this full academic year. The purpose of this course is to help you learn about the many aspects of technology. Your challenge will be to discover, create, solve problems, and construct solutions by using a variety of tools, machines, computer systems, materials, processes and technological systems. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on activities in the lab, critical thinking, problem solving, skill development, technical literacy, and safety while working in the lab with tools and equipment.
This course will also introduce you to careers in technology. You will be researching, authoring and publishing multimedia presentations of sample Careers as part of the course. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on activities in the lab, critical thinking, problem solving, skill development, technical literacy, and safety while working in the lab with tools and equipment.
Term Evaluation Assignments 25% Tests (Quizzes) 10% Term Projects 20% Lab 25% ( Participation, Cooperation & Project (s)) Portfolio 10% Class Mark 10% (Please refer to Contract)
Required Materials Be Prepared, You will need to bring these to each class: Network Computer Account (user-name & pass word) A binder with lined and unlined paper Section dividers 3.5 floppy disk (USB Drive/Stick) 30 cm ruler Pencils & Pens Eraser etc.
Mr. Saunders’ Class Rules (THE CLASS MARK) I have very high expectations regarding your classroom behavior, and I use a class mark system that helps maintain an excellent learning environment for all students during class time. At the beginning of the term, you are given 10 points; it is up to you to keep them. Marks will be deducted each time I am forced to respond to your behavior with regard to the following:
Be in your seat when the bell rings. Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand and wait until you are recognized before speaking. Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise stated. No cursing or vulgar or offensive language. Keep your desk and surrounding area clean. Come to class with all books and necessary materials. No personal grooming in class.
Respect others by not talking when the teacher or other students are talking. No FOOD passes the classroom door. Drinks may enter. No music playing devices during instruction, discussion or lessons. They stay away until you have received permission to use them. Listen QUIETLY to announcements and room calls ( Oh Canada) No , messaging or unwarranted www surfing during class Beginning of Class – Take seat quietly…Do NOT turn on computers or login until instructed to do so.
Do not shut down early and line up at the door until instructed to do so…Please remain in seats and working until then. End of Class – Log Off computers, turn monitors off and place mouse up-side-down so the roller-ball is showing. If you miss a day you are still responsible for catching up and having all assignments, notes, etc accounted for in your portfolio. Students who help me maintain a comfortable, productive learning environment earn higher term marks than those who do not.
COMPUTER ASSIGNMENTS AND YOU! What you should know about the computer lab C214 The lab is designed for you to work with a partner, a team or alone on computer related projects and assignments. The LAB is also set up with tables and chairs that may help to make it easier to work on drawings and Technology projects. You will also see some working models and projects relating to technology in this classroom. Please look and handle these with care.
NO MSN or ICQ NO Music downloads such as KaZAA or other type of music software. No Games
The EPEC School Web Page is: *** Follow the link on the the page to connect to the Student IMP mail server. *** Save your work as often as possible. If it is the least bit important to you, save it on: 1) Your “A” drive, which is your 3.5 floppy disc. 2) Your account on the “H” drive, which is the school’s computer. 3) projects to yourself, and or your partner. When you have finished class, turn off your MONITOR and YOUR COPMUTER. NO FOOD OR DRINK AT THE COMPUTER IN THE LAB. YOU MUST ALSO HAVE CLEAN HANDS
Technology Article Summary (1 st Homework Assignment) Instructions: Find & read an article/story about a technology (www, magazine, news paper, etc.) Use space below to provide a summary of the article Answer the questions and provide the source info Article Title: Summary: What positive & negative effects do you see occurring from this technology? What was the source of the article that you have just read? (web address, magazine title/date & issue, etc.)