1 1. Provide better power/ground distribution Increased static capacitance due to thinner core Lower power/ground plane transient impedance due to larger capacitance Electrical Advantages of Thin Core Substrate Core Permittivity Plane Area Core Thickness Static Capacitance Thin core vs. conventional core electrical performance comparison
2 Electrical Advantages of Thin Core Substrate 2. Improved signal integrity Smaller parasitic inductance due to shorter via length (minimize the impedance discontinuity) Reduced power/ground inductance due to shorter via length (minimize the SSN) Number of Switches Parasitic Inductance Rate of Current Change Induced Voltage Thin core vs. conventional core electrical performance comparison
3 3. Other benefits Increasing ground to signal I/O ratios for improved signal integrity Using stripline structure for lower crosstalk Both cases help to mitigate EMI Electrical Advantages of Thin Core Substrate Extra solid plane in the stripline structure constrains electrical field within signal trace and solid planes resulting in lower crosstalk and EMI a) Microstrip b) Stripline Dielectric WWS H t t W WS H t H