GROUP MEMBERS Shyamasebastian Raji v.k Sruthy raj
INTRODUCTION During summer season you feel more thirsty isn’t it? What will you do then? Teacher are students about various drinks that you make at your home and how do you make them? Teacher tells them that ‘’ all drinks are mixtures ‘’ because these drinks contains more than one component the term ‘solution’ is used for these mixtures lets learn more about solution in this class..
What is solution? The substance present in lesser quantity is the solute.the substance present in greater quantity is the solvent solute dissolves in the solvent forming solution.
DoES suger dissolved in water? which is the substance in greater quantity? Which is the substance in lesser quantity? Which is the solution formed?
Chart (Students fill it) SolutionSoluteSolvent Salt SolutionSaltWater KMnO 4 SolutionKMnO 4 Water Sugar SolutionSugarWater Alcohol SolutionAlcoholWater
Black Board Summary DayStd:VIII DateStr: Chemistry Solutions Solute + Solvent = Solution KMnO 4 + Water = KMnO 4 Solution Lesser Quantity = Solute Greater Quantity = Solvent
Follow up Activity Which is the solvent in sugar solution? Which is the solvent in sugar solution? Which is the solvent in salt solution? Which is the solvent in salt solution? What is a solute? What is a solute? What is solvent? What is solvent? Which is the solution formed? Which is the solution formed?
Assignment Can solids mix together to form solutions find out an example and write down its solute and solvent?
CONCLUTION One liquid can be dissolved in other liquid to form solution water is considered as universal solvent.