ImmsLink is a true, bi-directional interface between your Centricity EMR and your state’s immunization registry.
It allows you to upload your data in two ways: 1.Enter data in real time directly into the Registry, or 2.Enter data through a nightly batch upload from the EMR to the registry
From the EMR, select Update for your patient visit
Select ImmsLink for your Encounter Type
Select Get Imms to connect to your State Immunization Registry
The registry asks you to confirm the correct patient selection
ImmsLink now shows you what is in the registry vs. the EMR chart
Select Registry Edit to log into the registry for real time entries
ImmsLink redirects you to the State Registry’s home page
Select View/Add to enter Immunizations as you give them
Double click on empty cell to add immunizations given in real time
Select Forecast to see what immunizations your patient is due
Registry can display past due, due now and future due dates
Select Summary to see the patient summary report
Registry displays summary of immunizations patient has received
After you are done entering your information, exit the registry
Refresh your ImmsLink program to save the Registry inputs
Select Import to add the registry’s imms to your patient chart
ImmsLink provides a side by side comparison of data going to the chart
Select Close to exit out of the encounter form
EMR records are now reconciled with the registry records
For batch files, select ImmsLink Encounter Type
Select Get Imms to query the State Immunization Registry
The registry asks you to confirm the correct patient selection
ImmsLink now shows you what is in the registry vs. the EMR chart
Select Import to download registry records to the EMR chart
ImmsLink provides a side by side comparison of data going to the chart
EMR records are now reconciled with the registry records
A batch upload will run every night to send all immunizations data entered in the EMR to the registry based on the number of chart updates that have been signed since the last time the uploader was run.
Ask us for more information on how we can set up at your clinic.
We offer the following services: * * Portal Intake suite * Custom PIN Generator for portal * Portal Results Letter * Portal Deployment and Installs * Encounter form editing * Support