Growing a Wild NYC Webinar Powerpoint for Telspan viewing
During the webinar we’re going to: Give a status update on Year 2 including showing photos of some field visits. Get feedback from teachers on how they’re doing/what they need, particularly ask if anyone has been doing growing experiments and, if not, suggest things they can do as far as those experiments go. Discuss next steps – preparing for January 2016 classroom visits. Discuss W-9s if we’re still missing forms and $250 stipend. I will prepare SignUp Genius for January visits once we get spreadsheet about staff from Jeanette. I think it would be good to prepare and share a linear calendar/timeline of upcoming activities for the program that we can share via Telspan (add/edit as you like – the more specific we can get, the better).
Status update on Year 2 Dan, you can explain what you’ve been doing with the kids and talk about the phenological data collection and the status and next steps for those? Field Trip photos: Preview PS 686 photos vjVx4IYAejHQvN8FitOwvilvRwPVr1Vz6uoi3UX8a acB- JDuGsaNJEYOKAOFA?key=aWRWLXM4T2c1c Gg0eU41bUtQNVpNeHhtRUg5TVZR vjVx4IYAejHQvN8FitOwvilvRwPVr1Vz6uoi3UX8a acB- JDuGsaNJEYOKAOFA?key=aWRWLXM4T2c1c Gg0eU41bUtQNVpNeHhtRUg5TVZR
Post Field Trip Feedback Plant growth experiments: How are they going? Suggestions between teachers?
Anticipated in January Seeds delivery & stratification Via intern Stipends
Timeline January - Stratification: Students will plant seeds in seed trays, with soil from the place where plants are to be planted, water and cover in plastic for outdoor stratification at their schools. March – School garden consultation #2 March – Germination: Students will bring their stratified seeds indoors and place them under grow lights and implement their plan for growing robust seedlings and for watering them over April break.
Timeline March-April – Germinated seedlings are stepped up (after first and second set of visible leaves) to cell trays May – School garden consultation #3 May – Transplanting at the garden and at the park (ID with Dan preferred location)