Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, EGEE organisation and procedures John Murison, EGEE Training Team EGEE is funded by the European Union under contract IST
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, Acknowledgements This talk is based in part on documents and presentations by Mr Gabriel Zaquine, manager of EGEE activity JRA2.
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, Goals of this module Recap of EGEE structure To summarise the EGEE project web structure To introduce some of the tools in common use within the EGEE project To discuss the use of the web by EGEE NA3, User Induction and Training This talk is for EGEE project workers and trainers.
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, Introduction to EGEE components All the work required to be completed within EGEE is divided into different types of Activity: Service Activies (SA) Joint Research Activities (JRA) Network Activities (NA) These activities have to cooperate as they work, in order to keep focussed on the aims of the project as a whole.
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, EGEE Activity Areas Services (SA) Deliver “production level” grid services (manageable, robust, resilient to failure) Middleware (JRA) Grid middleware re-engineering activity in support of the production services Networking (NA) Proactively market Grid services to new research communities in academia and industry Provide necessary education
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, EGEE Activities EGEE includes 11 activities Services SA1: Grid Operations, Support and Management SA2: Network Resource Provision Joint Research JRA1: Middleware Engineering and Integration JRA2: Quality Assurance JRA3: Security JRA4: Network Services Development “ Networking ” NA1: Management NA2: Dissemination and Outreach NA3: User Training and Education NA4: Application Identification and Support NA5: Policy and International Cooperation EGEE EU funding32M Euro Duration2 years Partners70 Deliverables80
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, EGEE activities: relative sizes Networking (NA1-5): 28% Emphasis in EGEE is on operating a production grid and supporting the end-users Mware/security/QA (JRA1-4): 24% Grid operations (SA1,2): 48% Values calculated on total activity costs in technical annex
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, To know more about EGEE: Final slide from yesterday’s talk. Starting point for today’s. We will follow this link to see how the EGEE project organisation is represented on the web.
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, JRA2 web page This page is a treasure trove of templates, how-to guides and procedures. Consider Document Management link (at but use the link from the JRA2 page). From this link we look at Deliverables of project (briefly) EDMS
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, JRA2 web page - 2 Note – you must be a registered CERN user Note – you must have specific privileges to create EDMS documents Create an EDMS document (Hungarian NA3 plan) Note location of templates on JRA2 page – use them (no NIH here!) Look at AgendaMaker Cork conference SA1 usage (for example) NA3 – create Agenda item for this event Download some slides
Induction: What is EGEE? –April 26-28, NA3 web pages The NA3 web pages are incomplete Subheadings Training events Materials repository Discussion