Insights from Research | Feb. 4, 2016 Insights into the Uninsured + the Newly Enrolled HEALTH ACTION CONFERENCE 2016
What we know about the uninsured. Most value health insurance and want it. Cost is the main reason they have not enrolled. Many still do not understand the tax credit. Many know they can get care without insurance. Those who have already gone to the Marketplace are different from those who have not yet gone. Some groups face more barriers: the young, Latinos, and non-English proficient groups. 1.
What makes a difference in enrollment. The fine is becoming more important. Messages about “accidents/big medical bills” are still strong. One-on-one help is key. Learning they qualify for a tax credit/Medicaid makes it affordable. Hearing from people they trust: navigators, small employers, moms, providers, safety net providers, unions, people who already enrolled, religious leaders.
What we have learned from the newly enrolled. “Protection from medical bills” and the “fine/law” are top reasons they enrolled. Most have used their plans and are satisfied with care/access. Many say paying their premium is difficult. The vast majority plan to stay covered and go back to the Marketplace. Most of those who dropped Marketplace coverage did so because they got other insurance, not because of dissatisfaction.
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