Agenda 3/10/05 Art for New Media Quick Write/Sketch Finish your Choose Your Own Adventure Website –Project is due at the beginning of class tomorrow!!! Don’t forget a copyright statement at the bottom of every page! Make sure to leave enough time to spell check, clean up your pages, upload your pages to the www, test your pages and fix any broken images or links (this takes quite a while!!!) The way you will turn your project in is to turn in the Self Evaluation sheet (thoughtfully filled out) and then we will do presentations and critiques of everyone's project from the web (so your files must be all uploaded correctly!) Homework: Thoughtfully fill out your Self Evaluation
“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas, 1834–1917 French Painter He is associated with the Impressionists although his style is quite different. It was very important to him to capture his subjects, especially women, in natural poses of grace and movement.
Quick Write/Sketch 3/10/05 “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” Edgar Degas What do you want others to "see" in your Choose Your Own Adventure website? (Don’t answer this question literally! Don’t say, “I want them to see a page with...” Instead, try to answer figuratively. How do you want your audience to respond? What do you want them to learn? What do you want them to get out of the experience? What’s your point? Etc. Etc.)