The Westampton Rolls How to Pack and Pull the Westampton Rolls Hose Load
The Westampton Rolls Easy 1 person pull and pack 150’ preconnected Additional 50’ roll deadload Deploys and Flakes in 25’ space Less then 30 seconds to deploy
The Westampton Rolls 4 Single Donut Rolls 1 Nozzle 3 Rolls preconnected 1 Roll Dead Loaded
The Westampton Rolls HOW TO PACK THE LINE
The Westampton Rolls Start roll by folding hose in half Female coupling is on the bottom Leave 3’ spacing between couplings
The Westampton Rolls Begin roll Make sure hose is straight and in line
The Westampton Rolls Finished roll should appear as shown About 1 to 1 ½ foot overlap in hose
The Westampton Rolls First roll in the hose well all the way to the right Connected to Gated Wye
The Westampton Rolls Second Roll is added Connect FEMALE to first length’s MALE Leave some excess to form a loop
The Westampton Rolls Add the third roll Connect FEMALE to second length’s MALE coupling Attach nozzle to MALE as shown
The Westampton Rolls Fourth roll is dead load for extending line when needed Add to hose well DO NOT connect
The Westampton Rolls Finished load should appear as shown
The Westampton Rolls HOW TO PULL THE LINE
The Westampton Rolls Place arm through the two loops Firmly grab the nozzle
The Westampton Rolls Begin to walk away from the truck Can make turns while deploying in as little as 15’
The Westampton Rolls Line is fully deployed and flaked for charging in 25’ Line can deploy at running speeds Once flaked, take nozzle and advance to seat of fire
The Westampton Rolls Special Thanks to the Hubbardstown Massachusetts Fire Department for the basis of this idea Thanks to LT Jeff Bowman, SGT Marques Fields, FF Chris Hylkema, and FF John Williams for their participation and input on perfecting this hose load