MIS 610: Seminar in Information Systems Management Yong Choi School of Business Administration CSU, Bakersfield
First Announcement Are you IT/IS specialist? Please let me know Focus on technical-side of MIS Database, Website for E-Commerce, and GIS Managerial MIS by the book Hybrid Course: possibly week 4 and 5 Definitely week 5
Instructor Name: Yong Choi, PhD My Internet Home Page Used to be one of the coldest state universities professorcoldest state universities Where am I from? Office: BDC 101 Office Hours: before or after class Phone: (661) No checking during weekend…
Tour of Class website Download course materials
Tour of Blackboard My First Time!! Submit assignment, exam, project, and class discussion through Blackboard 9 (Bb 9). Must self enroll to Bb9 - see the instruction from the course website
About MIS Lab…. DO NOT TRY TO FIX THE COMPUTER!! You will never be penalized because of technical problems of this classroom. Make sure the Internet connection of your computer works! It is your responsibility to bring a flash (stick) memory to save your work.
MIS Lab Security Policy IT and Dean’s office established an official security policy. Students are not allowed to stay in the MIS Lab without a faculty member present. Students will not be allowed to loan the MIS lab proxy card under no circumstances. There are no exceptions to this rule. Contact the Dean’s office if you have questions or suggestions about this policy
Course Materials MIS 2010, 1st Edition Hossein Bidgoli - California State University, Bakersfield ISBN-10: ISBN-13: See the text information PPT from the course website
Course Description Designed for a student who has minimum computer background. Create and manage database system Develop an E-Commerce website Learn about GIS in business
Evaluation and Grading Points scales are subject to change. Assignment/Project/Discussion65% Exam 35% Total100%
Course Guideline Policy You MUST USE the Blackboard (“Message” : Bb term) as soon as you are self enrolled successfully. Class Attendance Is required Notify me first by prior to the absence. Miss a class because of a documentable illness or other reasonable cause, I will provide help. Otherwise, I do not repeat any lectures, labs…… The attendance will be checked time to time.
Course Guideline Peer Group Evaluation Peer Group Evaluation is a part of the grading scheme. To prevent free riding in the group, the contribution of each member will be assessed. Each member is expected to submit a peer group evaluation at the end of the quarter. Your evaluation is 100% confidential. No one will be allowed to see your evaluation. Please remember that your final grade can be up or down graded based on the evaluation result.
Course Guideline Any Work Turned In must be neatly done and should conform to the following specifications. Use complete sentences - Little bit of grammatical mistakes are OK. But no misspelled words. Neatness and organized appearances do count. MUST be machine-typed. Multiple pages (more than two) MUST be stapled together. Otherwise, your work will not be accepted. All work MUST be done on 8.5" x 11" paper.
Course Guideline Late work Will be penalized (20% each day late) Let me know if you need more time…. Failure to submit an assignment by the deadline will result in a grade of 0. A written excuses from the appropriate person such as a medical doctor is the only acceptable form of excuse.
Course Guideline Office hours You must be able to demonstrate you have already put a reasonable effort into solving and/or analyzing the problems. Please do not try to use office hours to make up for a missed class (I do not repeat any lectures). Honor code Classroom conduct Everyone is equal.
Activities Assignment Application Development Class discussion Group Project Have tour of each assignment!
Who are you? Introduce yourself on the paper … Name? From where? What do you do? Your IT and computer knowledge and skill? 1 to 10 Any suggestion?
Group Maximum five Minimum three Send me your group name and members using Bb 9 .