PATRIOTPATRIOTLOYALISTLOYALIST Great Britain had violated their natural rights & by 1776, independence was necessary Loyal to Britain & blamed the patriot “rebels” for taxes & ill treatment What are the 2 sides?
oWhat reasons would a colonist have for wanting to remain under British rule? OR oWhat reasons would a colonist have for wanting to rebel against Britain? Write in your note spiral:
Rules:Rules: –One person a time –After someone speaks, next speaker must repeat/rephrase their point for clarification & reinforcement –Wait 3 seconds before speaking –Not allowed to comment until 4 th comment –Move sides way of silent agreement (Must be holding the world to speak)
Based on the information you read, what side of the revolutionary debate does your character stand? Defend your position in the debate, keep notes and cite specific ideas using your notebook paper. Annotate (comment on) what you agree or disagree with. At the bottom of your paper explain what side you were initially assigned, if you stayed or changed, and explain your reasoning. *Use the notes you made during the discussion.*