West Contra Costa Unified School District Local Capacity Building Program Labor Compliance Program May 2014
Current Local Capacity Business Program Local Hiring Goals 24% of all hours worked by local residents 20% of all hours worked on a craft by craft basis to be worked by apprentices All of the apprentices should be residents of the 1st priority, if they are available, capable and willing to work on the projects Contractors can receive credit for off-site hours worked by local residents.
Local Business Program The current goal for all bond funded projects is that local businesses will receive a minimum of 30% of the total dollar volume of work to be performed
Local Area Definitions 1 st Priority : West Contra Costa County 2 nd Priority: All cities in Contra Costa County (CCC) 3 rd Priority: Northern Alameda County and Southern Solano County
Current Overall District Wide Local Hiring 2014 Total hours worked on all projects: 3,972,365 Total hours worked by 1 st Priority residents: 554,879= 13.97% Total hours worked by 2 nd Priority residents: 770,092 = 19.39%, excluding priority 1 Total hours worked by 3 rd Priority residents: 984,257 = 24.78%, excluding priority 2 Total all 3 priorities: 2,309,228= 58.13%
Current Overall District Wide Local Hiring 2014 Current Overall District Wide Local Hiring 2014 Estimated total dollars earned on all projects: $222,075,213 Total wages earned by 1 st Priority residents: $29,833,328 Total wages earned by 2 nd Priority residents: $45,918,177 excluding priority 1 Total wages earned by 3 rd Priority residents: $53,032,263 excluding priority 2 Total wages earned for all 3 priorities: $128,783,768
Current Local Business Utilization Report for all covered projects Total Dollar Amount for all covered projects : $321,983,411 Total amount awarded to 1 st Priority contractors: $27,834,556 = 8.64% Total amount awarded to 2 nd Priority contractors: $35,656,103 = 11.07% Total amount awarded to 3 rd Priority contractors:$52,415,129 = 16.28% Total amount awarded to local contractors: $115,909,388 = 36.00%
Lessons Learned Education of the contractor is key to success Success requires constant and consistent monitoring It is beneficial for contractors to work with Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
Labor Compliance Program DSI is responsible for the enforcement of prevailing wage requirements and proper utilization of apprentices on WCCUSD projects. During the year DSI performed following audits: –De Anza HS Replacement Campus, Diamond Elevators –Ohlone ES Phase 1 West Campus, Brannon Corporation