Vocabulary 2 Careers and Future Choices
Athletes – Basketball Players Describe the match-up.
Is the match-up between the two players: Something that appears to be right or a good fit? Something that appears to be right or a good fit? Appropriate (fair) for the smaller player? Appropriate (fair) for the smaller player?
This is not a… ____________ match. suitable
Suitable (adjective) When something is right for a person, purpose, or situation. When something is right for a person, purpose, or situation. I believe my strengths in art and math are suitable skills for the architect job.
Curriculum Vitae (noun) A short account (usually on one page) of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience, usually sent in with a job application. A short account (usually on one page) of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience, usually sent in with a job application.
“I am your new boss and you are now my new employee.”
“As your employer I pay you a good salary (AED$$$), but I found you like this today.”
“You were supposed to be at work at 8 am!” “You’re fired!”
“I found someone more suitable for the job; he has a better work _________ than you.” ethic
ethic (noun); ethics, plural The principles (ideas) of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual (person) or a social group. The principles (ideas) of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual (person) or a social group. A code of conduct or behavior. A code of conduct or behavior.
A Busy Programmer
A factory making ice cream sundaes
(noun): The state of producing or making something.
(noun): classes taught at school. There are many subjects that I’m studying to help me one day become a pilot.