Pension system reform project Cooperation project between trade unions in the Western Balkans and LO-Norway Funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Siri Relling, Adviser, LO International department
Project – quickly outlined The project was first presented and approved by the South East European Trade Union Forum november 2009 First regional expert meeting: December 2009 Frame for project: December 2009 – Funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aim: To develop a trade union reform- strategy on the national pension system South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department
Regional expert meeting april 2010 South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department Regional expert meeting in Belgrade April 2010: Participant Norwegian economy-expert Mr. Stein Reegård and ETUI-expert Martin Hutsebaut Presentation of analysis of existing national pension systems
Regional expert meeting september 2010 South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department Presentation of on-going national processes related to pension systems and common challenges. Discussion how to organise the different roundtables.
National Roundtables South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department The trade unions present their analysis of the national pension system and proposals for change to different relevant societal actors – 5 page document. Dates: Serbia: 12 October Bosnia-Hercegovina: 5 November Macedonia: Between November Kroatia: 1 December
Continuation 2011 South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department January – March: Regional expert meeting with Stein Reegård and Martin Hutsebaut present – mid- term evaluation including evaluation of Round Tables. March – September: Finalisation of national strategy papers for pension system reforms. October – December: Collection of data and analysis in joint book? November – December: Reporting and evaluation of project.
Pre-conditions for a successful outcome South East European Trade Union Forum 9-10 November Pensions system reform project – Siri Relling, LO-Norway, International department Understanding that the different countries on the Western Balkan are on different stages concerning pension reforms. A good cooperation on a national and regional level. An active social dialogue makes the job easier.