EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Dr Lars Prahm, Director-General EUMETSAT Perspective on Climate Monitoring Architecture Slide: 1.


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Presentation transcript:

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Dr Lars Prahm, Director-General EUMETSAT Perspective on Climate Monitoring Architecture Slide: 1

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Contents  The Challenge  Rationale for a Climate Monitoring Architecture  Modalities of the Writing Group  Implementation Considerations  EUMETSAT Contributions Slide: 2

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 The Challenge  Requirements basis -Relatively clear and stable statement of requirements for climate monitoring (From GCOS)  Implementation of these requirements is a challenge - Contributing systems owned by a wide variety of agencies (both operational and R & D) with different interpretations - No clear framework for systematically measuring the implementation status with respect to the requirements  Difficult to coordinate a global response to a global problem Slide: 3

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Rationale for a Climate Monitoring Architecture  A number of entities (e.g. WMO SP and CEOS WG on Climate) have independently concluded that a climate monitoring architecture would be an appropriate tool to help: - Systematically establish how close we are to meeting the requirements - Derive an action plan to fill any identified gaps - Establish the links between observations, climate data records, applications and decision-making. This last issue is obviously wider than climate monitoring, but is relevant if the link is to be made between observational funding decisions and the impact on decision-making (including policy-making) Slide: 4

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Rationale for a Climate Monitoring Architecture - Ctd Decisions Reports Records Observations Earth Environment Sensing Climate Record Creation Applications Decision- Making Slide: 5

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Modalities of the Writing Group  Following the establishment of a "badgeless" climate Architecture Writing Group in January of this year, very good progress has been made  EUMETSAT expects the Group to deliver a very meaningful contribution to the development of a climate monitoring architecture by August/Sept of this year  Due to common membership, the output is also expected to be well-coordinated with the parallel initiative in the CEOS WG on Climate  So far, a feature of this Writing Group has been its constructive and pragmatic attitude, which we feel is partially due to its "badgeless" nature Slide: 6

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Modalities of the Writing Group - Ctd EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011 ⇒ From a EUMETSAT perspective, it is essential to maintain, and build upon, this "badgeless" approach so that the resultant architecture can be more readily endorsed internationally (WMO, CEOS, GEO, GCOS, CGMS,......) Slide: 7

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Implementing a Climate Monitoring Architecture EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011  Once implementation aspects are addressed we feel it is important to stress that: - The implementation should be organised by existing entities (the landscape is already rich in organisational entities and no benefit would be gained by further complicating it with new entities/mechanisms) - In order to be successful the implementation will need to rely heavily on long-term commitments from space agencies, together with cooperation/coordination at an international level. Hence operational agencies should be prepared to play a key role in the implementation of the architecture Slide: 8

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 EUMETSAT Contributions The EUMETSAT Intergovernmental convention states the objective of EUMETSAT to contribute to the operational monitoring of climate thus:  EUMETSAT attaches a very high importance to both the development of an architecture and its subsequent implementation  For the development of the architecture, EUMETSAT is mainly contributing via: - The Writing Group (2 members: 1 EUMETSAT, 1 CGMS) - The CEOS WG Climate (2 members) Slide: 9

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 EUMETSAT Contributions Slide: 10  For the development of the implementation plan of the architecture, EUMETSAT is ready to make a similar contribution.  EUMETSAT will provide a key contribution to the archictecture through its programmes.  EUMETSAT is looking forward to cooperate with partners on the Climate Monitoring Architecture.

EUM/SIR/VWG/11/0337 Issue 2 11 May 2011 Thank you for your attention! Slide 11