CS Computer Architecture Fall 2010 Dr. Angela Guercio ( Course Web Page Fall10/CS35101_Fa10.html
Course Administration Instructor: Dr. Angela Guercio 424 Main Hall Office Hrs: TR 10:00am - 10:55am 1:55pm - 3:25pm other times are available by appointment Text (Required): Andrew S. Tanenbaum – Structured Computer Organization – Prentice Hall, 5 th Edition, 2006.
The Syllabus: Requirements Class attendance is required. If you miss a class, let me know ahead of time you must provide the documented reason. You are responsible for bringing yourself up-to-date on class material and assignments You cannot miss more than 4 classes without documentation Penalty: drop of the grade (ex from A to B, from B to C, ect.) Reading material before class is required Read material once before class and again after class
Course Content This course will introduce you to the units and the layers that are part of the computer organization. The course covers: Computer Architecture Intro Milestones in Computer Architecture Computer Families The Computer System Organization The Processor The Primary Memory The Secondary Memory The Input/Output Unit
Course Content (cont.) The Digital Logic Level Gates, Boolean Algebra Basic Digital Logic Circuit and Control Circuits Chips and Buses The Microarchitecture Level The Instruction Set Architecture Level Instruction Format, Addressing and Instruction Types Assembly Language Level Operating System Level Virtual Memory Parallel Architectures
Course prerequisites CS22021 CS I with a grade C or better For more details visit graduate/planner.cfm
Course goals To understand how computers work; To deepen the knowledge of the components of a computer; To learn in depth a sample machine language; To become familiar with the path that data follow during execution; To learn how to design an architecture; To be exposed to efficient memory storage; To understand how the communication computer- external environment occurs; To briefly explore parallel architectures.
The Exams 2 Mid Term Exams and 1 Final Exam 100 points each No Make-up exams Except in extreme case and only if I have been notified prior the exam has been issued Homework and Projects must be returned by the deadline Late penalty: 3 points per day
The Grade Participation 5% Attendance5% Homework and Projects40% Exam 1 and 230% Final Exam 20% Check the syllabus for the grading scale
Dates to Remember Last day to withdraw before grade W is assigned, is Sept. 12, 2010 Last day to drop the class is Nov. 7, 2010 Exam 1 is Thursday, Sept. 30 Exam 2 is Thursday, Nov. 4 Final Exam is Thursday, Dec. 16 (1:00 pm – 3:00pm) Thanksgiving Recess: Nov. 24 – Nov. 28
Others: more on the syllabus Read the syllabus for: Course Withdrawal Academic Honesty Policy Students with Disabilities Classes Canceled – Campus Closings Conduct And other important issues
Others: Security Emergency: In case of an emergency please contact the security on campus. Security phone on campus: #53123 Security cell phone (330) or, of course, 911. I recommend that you program into your cell phone the previous numbers.