Kelvin double bridge R 3a R4aR4a R3R3 R4R4 RxRx R2R2 R5R5
Kelvin double bridge with source and detector interchanged IxIx IsIs R3R3 R4R4 R 3a R 4a UxUx UsUs RxRx RsRs
DC comparator bridge IsIs IxIx NsNs NxNx RxRx RsRs PD OSC
Bridge based on an automatically balanced DC comparator Master PS Slave PS IsIs IxIx RsRs RxRx NsNs NxNx PD OSC
Transformer C-C bridge CsCs CxCx GxGx GaGa NaNa NsNs NxNx D
AC comparator C-C bridge NxNx NaNa NsNs D U IxIx IsIs IaIa CxCx GxGx GaGa CsCs
High voltage comparator C-C bridge
Shielding of AC comparator C-C bridge D U CxCx CsCs NxNx NsNs
Development of a four terminal-pair C-C bridge
Simple C-C bridge
Injection and combining network
Improved version
Four terminal pair R-R bridge and its application to QHE-based calibrations of resistance standards
R-R bridge
QHD with one pair of voltage probes as reference standard
QHD with three pairs of voltage probes as reference standard
Ricketts-Kemeny equivalent circuit of an 8-terminal QHD