1 Overview of the Montefiore Emergency Preparedness Coalition Presentation to the New York City Healthcare Coalition Leadership Council February 18, 2016
22 Presentation Objectives Introduction to network coalitions MEPC background Budget Period 3 activities Budget Period 4 activities Successes Challenges Next steps
33 Network-System Emergency Preparedness Coalition Seven in NYC Purpose: drive all-hazards preparedness activities for its members Provides opportunities to strengthen capabilities through participation in training, exercises, and other activities
44 Montefiore Emergency Preparedness Coalition (MEPC) Network-system coalition Membership –Four NYC-based hospitals –19 primary care facilities –NYCDOHMH (ex officio) Mission –Improve healthcare emergency preparedness –Maximize medical surge capacity and capability in the Bronx
55 Mission Statement Goal: promote and enhance emergency preparedness and response capabilities of members through: Building collaboration, relationships, and partnerships Facilitating communication, information, and resource sharing Promoting situational awareness among members Coordinating and facilitating training, drills, and exercises Strengthening medical surge capacity and capabilities Assisting emergency management and ESF 8 partners Optimizing deployment and utilization of resources
66 MEPC Vision Progressively expand membership to encompass all of the member entities and faculty practices of the MMC Work collaboratively on healthcare preparedness and emergency response activities within the Network
77 Target Capabilities Focus on five core coalition capabilities The “Big Five” –Planning –Communications –Assessment –Training –Exercises
88 Budget Period 3 Deliverables Formalize the MEPC Design and conduct an HVA Develop a MYTEP Integrate non-hospital members into the mass notification system Develop a Communications Annex Participate in the BEPC
99 Budget Period 3 Outcomes Successes –Commitment of MMG –Completed all deliverables Challenges –Leadership transition –Sustaining commitment and participation among many diverse partners –Establishing and staffing sub- committees
11 Highest Vulnerabilities
13 Budget Period 4 Deliverables Build strategic plan, logic model, and fact sheet Participate in NYCHCC meetings, conferences and workshops Develop and conduct an exercise Develop plan to identify and catalog the emergency preparedness needs of facilities and service areas
14 Budget Period 4 Outcomes Successes –Work in progress Challenges –Multiple deliverables across multiple programs Hospital Network-system coalition Borough coalition Ebola Ebola designated treatment center Pediatric Disaster Coalition
15 Next Steps Strategic Plan Functional exercise: biological incident Plan for determining facility and community needs
16 Questions?
17 For Additional Information... Michael J. Moculski Director of EMS and Emergency Management Montefiore Medical Center 176 East 210th Street, Second Floor Bronx, New York Tel: (718) Fax: (718)