Week 9 10/12/15—10/16/15
(15R) Research: Academic Language Copy each of the words and definitions below. 1.in-text citations- n. the citation in the actual essay. 2.Thesis statement- n. a statement that states what the entire essay will be about. 3.Factual evidence- n. proof that can be proven 4.Fact- n. something that is true and can be proven 5.Opinion- n. a person’s thoughts 6.Concrete evidence- n. solid proof 7.Works Cited- n. list of sources that you used to get your information 8.Transitions- n. sentences that move on to the next paragraph 9.Hook- n. 1 st sentence of an essay that grabs the reader’s attention 10. Support- n. evidence 11. Statement- n. claim; what you are talking about 12. Paraphrase-v. to summarize in your own words 13. Sources- n. where you get your information from 14. MLA format- n. the format and method for giving credit to your sources 15. Prompt- n. what you have to write your essay about 16. Research- v. to find information about a specific subject 17. Source cards- n. a card where you record and keep track of your sources 18. Quotation marks- n. used to give credit to others’ work and indicate that these words are not your own.
(16L) Intro to Shakespeare… As we watch the following video clips, take at least 15 notes on page 16L. spfreload=10&edufilter=zGUy2baYqkDZkZN3MS9B7 Q
Romeo and Juliet Family Tree (16R)
MLA Essay Formatting (page 17L) Font Times New Roman size 12 Spacing double spacing Margin 1 inch on all sides Indent each new paragraph. Do not add an additional space. Set up a heading on the left side of the first page that includes: Name, due date, period, Ms. Cluff No “Header” Title at the top center of the first page with only the 1 st, last, and major words capitalized. No bold or CAPS LOCK or Underlining for the title or any other part of the essay. Page numbers with your last name at the top right corner of each page. No pictures!!!! ANYWHERE in your essay.
(17R) MLA: In-text citations + Works Cited Tape the completed worksheet to 17R.