Workplace health and Safety Managing the risks HLTWHS300A
Managing Hazards and Risks Objectives 1.Report potential risks 2.Report accidents and incidents 3.Undertake housekeeping in work area 4.Maintain and update WHS knowledge 5.Work with workgroup to resolve issues 6.Contribute to WHS workplace meetings 7.Apply knowledge of roles and responsibilities check workplace for hazards
Hazards and Risks in Health Care Setting What do you expect from a safe work place? Electrical safety Fire alarms and sprinklers PPE Correct equipment for tasks Ergonomics SOPs MSDS Training and reporting
Duty of care Means that each of us has responsibilities and they need to be taken seriously We all have responsibilities Responsible for work place safety Responsible for safe care of others
Clinical negligence Where injury or death was caused by the negligence of medical staff Financial compensation may be granted to injured party or their family Determines whether care was sub-standard Failure to diagnose medical conditions Delays in treatment Failure to warn of risks Failure to obtain consent Damage or injury
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) Provides information about substances and their hazards Substances can be Mixtures Natural Artificial Liquid Solid Gas/fumes/vapor
MSDS Describe Properties and uses Health hazard information Precautions for use Safe handling requirements Must be In English Relevant to Australian conditions Conform to national standards
MSDS Under the WHS Act 2011 it states: “… ensure that there will be available in connection with the use of the substance at the workplace adequate information about the results of any relevant tests which have been carried out on or in connection with the substance…” They must also provide details of …”any conditions necessary to ensure that ( the substance ) will be safe and without risks to health when properly used.”
MSDS task Find a product then record.. Name of product Name, address and telephone number of supplier Chemical ingredients Short and long-term health effects Fire and explosion information
MSDS task cont. Find a product then record.. Safe handling requirements First aid information Storage and transport requirements Spills and disposal information Contact information for further details
Radiation Two types Ionising Non-ionising
Ionising Cosmic rays X-rays Gamma rays Radioactive isotopes
Ionising – Health affects Associated with intra-cellular change Affects Gonads Bone marrow Colon Lungs Stomach Can cause cell death and damage genetic material Lower doses over a long period of time can lead to systemic cancer Cataracts Genetic defects Radiation illness
Non-ionising UV light used in lasers Visible light Infra-red lamps Diathermy Computers LASER
Non-ionising affects Skin and eyes Sun burn Cataracts Pterygia
Radiation protection Policy and procedures Information and training Safe work practices (PPE) Equipment maintenance Shielding and sign posting Reporting Health monitoring Maintaining safe distance
Cytotoxic drugs Cytotoxic literally means poisonous to cells Carcinogenic/cancer causing Teratogenic/causing physical defects in embryo Symptoms of absorption Skin and eye irritation Headaches Nausea Liver damage Foetal loss or malformation
Cytotoxic drugs Exposure may occur during Preparation Administration Transport Disposal Management Follow written procedures Training Use equipment correctly Reporting Investigation
Waste management General - green Contaminated – black Sharps – yellow Aerosol Pharmaceutical Cytotoxic – purple Infectious – yellow Residents clothing – blue bags Deceased residents clothing – paper bags
Incineration Infectious waste Pharmaceutical All sharps
Sharps Any object that can cause a penetrating injury Regarded as potentially infectious Rigid puncture proof containers Yellow with bio-hazard symbol One month expiry date Empty when ¾ full
Cytotoxic waste All cytotoxic drugs and contaminated waste must be disposed by controlled high temperature incineration. This includes Cytotoxic drugs Needles and syringes used in the treatment IV sets Ampoules, vials Disposable gloves, caps, gowns and swabs The colour purple and the method of disposal is different form other forms of waste. There should be warning signs displayed on the sharps and waste bags
Chemotherapy Treated by cytotoxic chemicals Patients to handle own medication if able Flush toilet twice after use Wash hands thoroughly Soiled linen to be laundered at high temperature Avoid touching body fluids
Chemotherapy If the HCW has to manage the situation Do not touch any body fluid. If disposing of urine, faeces, flush down the drain twice. Wash any container thoroughly with detergent and using rubber gloves Contaminated linen should be handled carefully so as to avoid touching. Wear gloves. Linen should be laundered at high temperature with plenty of detergent and then well rinsed.