poetry A kind of rhythmic, compressed language that uses figures of speech and imagery to appeal to emotion or imagination.
refrain A repeated word, phrase, line or group of lines in a poem or song or even in a speech.
rhyme A repetition of accented vowel sounds and all sounds following them.
rhythm A musical quality produced by the repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables or by the repetition of other sound patterns.
simile A comparison between two unlike things using a word such as like, as, than or resembles.
onomatopoeia The use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning.
personification A special kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human.
metaphor A comparison between two unlike things in which one thing becomes another thing. Does not use like or as.
stanza In a poem, a group of lines that form a unit.
alliteration The repetition of the same or very similar consonant sounds in words that are close together.