Four butterflies connected to their parents offspring parents
Population Individuals past future
Population Lineage/ Species Phylogeny
ABC The True History ABC A simplified representation Representation of phylogenies
Tree Reading
Topological equivalence
Alexander Calder Untitled, 1941 sheet metal, wire, and paint
Project with David Hornack Whippo dataset Composite drawing from 2 MS Word clip art images
S. Freeman, J. C. Herron, Evolutionary analysis (Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, ed. 3rd, 2004).
J. Gatesy, et al., Syst. Biol. 48, 6-20 (1999) p12.
Tree Building
How did you build it? Character based method Distance method –Rooted –Unrooted
How did you build it? UPGMA –Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmatic Mean Neighbor Joining