The girl's escape By: Sana Aslam
Child labor It affects a 13 year old girl named Marilaine in PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti who was forced to work unpaid and was beaten everyday.
Marilaine got help from an aid group called the Restavek Freedom Foundation. They helped her escape and find a better and safer home where many other girls stayed.
The leader of the neighborhood association said it was normal in Haiti culture to beat a child, they gathered around the school Marilaine attended and decided that if she didn't return they would burn it down. When Marilaine came back to her village, people were shocked. They thought she died years ago. Authorities might let her return to the Freedom Foundation safe house.
Human trafficking To fight this we would have to provide free and easy to get birth control, so mothers don't end up having many kids they cant feed. provide free public education, so parents don't have to send them off as restaveks
This topic was interesting to me because to see girls having to live like this, shocks me. To know that Marilaine had some freedom, really relieves me. I think every girl should be able to have an education and live in a peaceful home, and I hope that Marilaine has the freedom she want.