Though everyone agrees that chemistry is a science, not everyone is quite sure where psychology stands
Psychology originated in ancient Greece –Socrates and Plato Dualism (mind and body separate) – when body dies, mind lives on All knowledge is innate (unlearned) –Aristotle Monist (mind and body are the same) – when body dies, so does mind Believed direct observation was the foundation of understanding
1600s Philosophy and Science merge –Rene Descartes Described nerve paths; agrees with Socrates and Plato(dualism, innate knowledge) –Francis Bacon Introduced the scientific method –John Locke Knowledge comes with experience Tabula Rasa – “Blank Slate” –Begins process of empiricism – Knowledge originates in experience and that science should rely on observation and experimentation
Wilhlem Wundt – opens 1 st research lab in Leipzig, Germany –Insists on using the scientific method for research –Psychology as a science is born Edward Bradford Titchener –Student of Wundt –Starts structuralism Seeks to break items down into its specific parts using the senses Uses introspection – inward looking Example: A car is made up of many parts
Max Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler –Gestalt Psychology Founded in opposition to Structuralism Argued that the whole is different than the sum of its parts Example: A car is only a car when it is put together, as a series of parts it is mostly worthless as a car What do you see in the picture?
William James –Opened the first U.S. psychology lab at Harvard University –Disagreed with Structuralism Functionalism –Seeks to find the reason something exists Example: What is the reason a car exists?
Sigmund Freud –Regarded by many as the “father” of psychology – his theories have been shown to be largely false Psychoanalysis –Did away with research and focused on treatment of abnormal behaviors –Focused on unconscious drives to explain behavior (dream analysis and hypnosis)
John Watson –Argued that psychology should only study what could be observed and measured objectively Direct opposition to psychoanalysis B.F. Skinner –Behaviorism Rewards increase behavior, punishments diminish behavior Later influenced by cognitive psychology (the way we think) –When humans KNOW they are being rewarded or punished for a behavior, it can change how they are influenced by it
Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow –A softer (1960s) response to behaviorism and psychoanalysis –Emphasized the importance of current environmental influences on our growth potential