scale Drawn to scale: Earth Moon
Moon’s orbit – viewed from above Earth’s north pole Orbit period = 27.3 days (Sidereal Period) Far side Near side
Near Side
Far Side
Diurnal (Daily) Motion: East to West, relative to horizon; rises & sets Monthly Motion: Eastward relative to stars; due to orbit of moon about Earth MOTION OF THE MOON (Viewed from Earth)
Orbit, viewed edge-on: Earth’s orbit plane Moon’s orbit plane 5o5o
Orbits tipped Orbit planes intersect along “Line of Nodes” * p. 41
Viewed from Earth, moon moves ~ 13 o /day E S W 9 pm 13 o
Does the moon rotate? eh?
The Lunar Phase Cycle E W p. 39
West Horizon toward sun Waxing Crescent
South Horizon First Quarter
South Horizon Waxing Gibbous
South Horizon Full
South Horizon Waning Gibbous
South Horizon Third (Last) Quarter
East Horizon Waning Crescent toward sun
Phase Movie Phase Movie E W
The Full Cycle 29.5 days – One ‘moonth’ p. 39
Sunlight Just like Earth! Phases result from viewing, from Earth, fractions of illuminated half. Moon is always one-half illuminated. Understanding the Phase Cycle
Sunlight Note: Not to scale Earth Moon e.g., First Quarter View from Earth Result: Moon appears one-half illuminated
Phase Visibility
Eclipses Shadows > Umbra: Inner shadow > Penumbra: Outer shadow p. 41
Lunar Eclipses Moon moves through Earth’s shadow Require > Full Moon > Moon along nodal line The moon was as though drenched with blood. - The Anglo Saxon Chronicles (734 AD)
Note: not to scale The View from Space * Maximum duration of totality 100 min p. 42
The View from Earth Duration: 77 min
Partial Eclipse of July 28, 1999
Lunar eclipse occurs only when moon at/near nodal line No eclipse! Eclipse p. 41
From a vantage point in the plane of Earth’s orbit... Earth’s shadow misses moon no eclipse! 5o5o
What explains the color? Sunlight Moon Earth Atmosphere Atmosphere bends (refracts) sunlight into umbra Atmosphere removes (scatters) blue/green part of light. Earth’s shadow
Eclipse of Jan 20 – 21, 2000 “... the moon drenched with blood.”
Solar Eclipses Earth intersects moon’s shadow Require > New Moon > Moon along nodal line Eclipse can be > Total > Partial > Annular And the moon in haste eclipsed her, and the Sun in anger swore He would curl his wick within him and give light to you no more. - Aristophanes, Chorus of Clouds (423 BC)
Basic Geometry of Solar Eclipse Umbra forms spot (diam ~ 100 mi) on Earth
Another View Spot moves generally eastward at ~ 1100 mi/hr, creating “zone of totality” Partial eclipse seen in penumbra p. 43
View from Earth: Sun, totally eclipsed. Solar Corona Maximum duration of totality: ~7.5 minutes
Sun, partially eclipsed
Closest Farthest Moon’s orbit is not a circle...
Yielding Annular Eclipses: EarthMoonSun Moon’s umbra does not reach Earth when moon too far away. p. 43
Ring or Annulus is seen when sun eclipsed. Farthest Closest Aug 24, 1998
Solar: about twice per year, somewhere on Earth. > At any given location, about once in 360 yrs. Lunar: about twice per year. How often do eclipses occur?
Total Solar Eclipses: p. 44