+ UDL Language Arts Menu Diane Nasse- Bergenfield
+ Background Year 1 & 2 of IMPACT: Basic Skills Teacher Grades 2-4 for 8 years. Provided remedial instruction for at risk student in literacy and math. NJ ASK Student Preparation Model was pull-out and push-in working in small groups per teacher direction. Limited Technology Year 3: 4 th Grade Teacher IMPACT truly began in year 3 when I could implement all that IMPACT had to offer.
+ UDL Lesson- LA Centers Choice Board (post on board): Partner Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar. Under each category there are multiple option for the students. Each Team will rotate through the 4 stations. Depending on the days schedule (i.e. pull-outs, resource room, specials etc.) students may get through only 2 stations per day and sometimes all 4 stations.
+ Partner Reading Partner Reading- Students take the weeks assigned story (basal reader, Time for Kids magazine, Novel study) and take turns reading a page to each other.
+ Grammar Teacher generated practice skills Practice Games: grammar.htmlhttp://classroom.jc-schools.net/basic/la- grammar.html
+ Spelling Spelling Hangman (partner): Use a dry erase board, working with a partner, play hangman to practice the weeks spelling words. Spelling City (independent)- listen to the word and then type what they hear.
+ Vocabulary Play Quizlet online (individually). They have a choice of several games or a choice of several study options. Memory Game
+ Vocabulary Word Master Competition allenge.com allenge.com
+ Homeworknow Page
+ UDL Analysis Pre-UDL: more teacher centered now student-centered through CHOICE. Student ACCOUNTABILITY has increased. They now take Ownership of their Learning. Student engagement and motivation has increased. They now WANT to work. The QUALITY of student work has improved. They are self- assessing through online games and activities.