Progress report on sbottom and gluino reconstruction Massimiliano Chiorboli Universita and INFN Catania.


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Presentation transcript:

Progress report on sbottom and gluino reconstruction Massimiliano Chiorboli Universita and INFN Catania

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting = LSP ± 145.8lRlR ± 211.4lLlL qRqR qLqL bRbR 600.5tRtR 522.5bLbL 412.5tLtL 643.3g Proposed Post-LEP Benchmarks for Supersymmetry (hep-ph/ )

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Decay chain p p b b (15% b L, 10% b R ) (35 % b L, 22% b R ) (0.2 %) (60 %) Event final state: 2 high p t isolated leptons OS 2 high p t b jets missing E t

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Event production 2 isolated leptons, p T >15 GeV, | |<2.4 2 b-jets, p T >20 GeV, | |<2 PYTHIA CMSJET SM bkg: tt, Z+jet, W+jet, ZZ, WW, ZW

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting First step: 2 0 l + l p p b b Fit result: E t miss > 50 GeV 10 fb -1

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom reconstruction p p b b Assuming M( 1 0 ) known!

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom reconstruction E t miss > 50 GeVE t miss > 100 GeVE t miss > 150 GeV

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom mass Result of fit: Generated masses:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Gluino reconstruction p p b b E t miss > 150 GeV

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Gluino mass Result of fit: Generated mass:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Combinatorial suppression (8%)

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Combinatorial suppression E b-jet 1 > 250 GeV SbottomGluino

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Combinatorial suppression Sbottom Gluino

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom mass Result of fit: Generated masses:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Gluino mass Generated mass: Result of fit:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Dependence on M(ll) Sbottom Gluino

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Dependence on M( ) M( 1 0 ) true M( 1 0 ) = M(ll) M( 1 0 ) = M edge

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting estimation estimation doesnt depend on M( 1 0 ) !

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting estimation estimation Result of fit: Generated values:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting With 60 fb fb -1 Sbottom

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting cos (b2-sb) cos (b1-ll) cos (b2-ll) cos (b1-b2)

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom(s) with 60 fb -1 Result of fit: E t miss > 150 GeV E b-jet 1 > 250 GeV cos (b2-sb)>0. cos (b1-ll)>0. cos (b2-ll)>0. cos (b1-b2)>0. Generated masses:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Gluino with 60 fb -1 Result of fit: 60 fb -1 Generated mass:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting with 60 fb -1 with 60 fb fb -1 Result of fit: Generated values:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting = LSP ± 193.4lRlR ± 299.6lLlL qRqR qLqL bRbR 800.8tRtR 723.0bLbL 589.4tLtL 919.8g Point G

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting (16%) (8 %) Decay chain (16% b L, 10% b R ) (15 % b L, 28% b R ) (8 %) (60 %)

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Dilepton Edge 60 fb -1 E(ll) > 160 GeV SUSY only l slepton l

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Dilepton Edge E t miss > 100 GeVE t miss > 50 GeVE t miss > 150 GeV E(ll) > 160 GeV

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Dilepton Edge E(ll) > 160 GeVE t miss > 200 GeV

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom and gluino E t miss > 200 GeV SbottomGluino

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Combinatorial suppression E b-jet 1 > 300 GeV

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting SM suppression (ll-E t miss ) (ll) (bb)

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom and gluino E t miss > 200 GeV E b-jet 1 > 300 GeV (ll-E t miss ) > -0.8 (ll) > -0.6 (bb) > -0.7

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom peak Result of fit: Generated masses:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Guino peak Result of fit: Generated mass:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting estimation estimation This needs better understanding of the SM bkg behaviour! Result of fit: Generated values:

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Point G with 150 fb -1 No Pile Up!

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting Sbottom and gluino with 150 fb -1 SbottomGluino M(g)-M(b)

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting ConclusionsConclusions Point G, with 60 fb -1 Sbottom and gluino seem to be visible estimation of M(l + l - ) max sbottom reconstruction with Resol. ~ 10 %, but 2 sbottoms not resolved gluino reconstruction with Resol. < 10 % M(g) - M(b) estimation, independent of M( 1 0 ), with Err ~ 4 % Point B, with 10 fb -1 Maybe we can separate the 2 sbottoms Point B, with 60 fb -1

Massimiliano Chiorboli 8 Mar 2002 CMS Week - Physics Meeting E b-jet 1 P T b-jet 1 b-jet 1 E b-jet 2 P T b-jet 2 b-jet 2